N&G AOTM Year 4: General Thread & Archive


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Welcome one and all to the 4th year of Needles and Groove’s monthly AOTM! I am your host Fleetwood-Matt! I have been passed the torch by @gaporter to carry on the duty of thread runner for this year and I plan to run it with an iron fist!!

You all probably know the drill by now, but just in case any newcomers are interested, here's the rundown:

  • Each month, someone from the forum chooses a record for the rest of the forum to go out and purchase.
  • The thread dedicated to their AOTM is typically started the month before whatever month they are picked for (for example, if you are picking the record for August, your thread will be started in July, and so on).
  • The choice of record is almost entirely dependent on the person choosing, though there are some stipulations put in place to try to keep things balance for everyone. The most important thing to make sure of is that anyone can secure a copy of your AOTM (preferably for under $30), regardless of what country they are in. Keep in mind that multiple people from different countries participate in these threads. As long as you can be reasonably sure everyone will be able to get a copy of the album you choose without issue, the sky's the limit!
  • For each thread, the person responsible for picking the AOTM is also responsible for coming up with hints for the rest of the forum to use to guess the record they have chosen. This is the main component of the individual AOTM threads; trying to keep the rest of the forum guessing while still providing enough info for it to be solved! Or, if the forum fails to solve the album, it is revealed via an announcement for the person who picked it.
  • The announcement date for the record is largely up to person picking; typically in the past, the chooser has composed a write-up to go more into detail for why they picked the record, what they like about it or other assorted info about the record- though one shouldn't feel obligated to do a massive write-up for the record they chose if they're not comfortable doing so!
  • After the current month's thread has been wrapped up, whoever has previously been drawn for the following month will then start their thread. Though just because an AOTM's month has ended doesn't mean that discussion of that record should cease - feel free to use it to provide further updates about developments with the record or what the artist is currently up to!
  • It has become customary that the person choosing the record runs their own thread, but for the following year while I am in charge of running the general thread, I'm offering to those who wish to pick an AOTM, but perhaps don't feel up to running the entire thread, a helping hand. If you want me to run your thread for you, I will be happy to do so and hopefully make the task of coming up with hints and whatnot easier and less stressful. But, if you want full control over your thread, then that is also welcome!
  • And of course, the final rule: be nice.
And with that, I think all the bases are covered in terms of explaining the AOTMs. I realize much of that is redundant for those who have been in the game since June 2019, but even if only one new person hops aboard this year, I'll want them to be able to know what's going on with the AOTMs, so hopefully I've explained it thoroughly enough for anyone unfamiliar.

One last note for this introductory post is a point I wish to stress: we are, for the most part, a very open minded community when it comes to music on N&G. In just the first two years of doing AOTMs, we have had jazz, metal, singer-songwriter, flamenco, Irish music, glitch pop, punk rock, blues, a covers album, classical, a live album, French post-rock, ambient and much, much more. As you can tell just from that sampling, these AOTMs aren't pinned down by a specific genre or country of origin. I say this to alleviate fears some may have of their record not fitting a certain type of mold or not being accepted by the forum. If you love the album and want to pick it, then pick it!

And with that covered its time to begin Year 4!!!
Year 1 General Thread & Archive
Year 2 General Thread & Archive
Year 3 General Thread & Archive

VOL. 37

JULY 2022
Smoking Popes - Into the Agony
Chosen by Tys1

VOL. 38
The Notwist - Superheroes, Ghostvillians+Stuff
Chosen by Hemotep

VOL. 39
Dogs Die in Hot Cars - Please Describe Yourself
Chosen by wmeugene

VOL. 40
Tash Sultana - Flow State
Chosen by cul8er

VOL. 41
The Weakerthans - Reconstruction Site
Chosen by avecigrec

VOL. 42

VOL. 43


VOL. 44


VOL. 45

MARCH 2023

VOL. 46

APRIL 2023

VOL. 47

MAY 2023

VOL. 48
JUNE 2023


1. @chrb98
2. @TenderLovingKiller®
3. @Ericj32
4. @johnpisme
5. @hatfieldpdx
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One other thing to think about and this needs to be a group discussion… do we feel <30 is still reasonable given the current market?

Good point. I wouldn't mind bumping that up a bit but since I haven't picked yet I don't know how that has factored in to the selection process. Any previous pickers wanna chime in and give their experience and if the price ceiling has affected your ability in choosing an album
One other thing to think about and this needs to be a group discussion… do we feel <30 is still reasonable given the current market?

It largely never was but it was a nice target. For every real world one that we’d pick a €20 or below deal on there was one that would come in high. It is nice to have a low target though to kinda dissuade from silly picks, although if that needs to go up by 5 or 10 so be if.
should i make the ROTM playlist one big playlist with all the old months and add each new one.. or do you want it in the form of separate playlists for year 1, 2, 3, and 4
@johnpisme hasnt been on in a few days and they don’t look all that active. I’m gonna pick another person for July since I wanna give them time to make a selection, and if John comes back on they have an open invitation to pick for August!

So the next picker is now….




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While I try to figure some things out, what's a ballpark number for how many members end up purchasing the N&G AotM? Trying to make sure nobody will be disappointed with stock issues.

I don't think there's a way of knowing that. Since we as monthly pickers don't actually know who orders or doesn't and just link to the different stores. Also the threads get different interactions depending on the month of the year(or what's going on with our lives at the moment lol).

But don't worry about that too much, just make a great thread and everything will sort out later. The thread will stay there if someone wants to check it out later and sometimes we update when a new pressing comes by or a deal or something 😁
I would be happy to be added to the list if other pickers don't mind if I come to be picked before them. I think I am ready now.

So I promise from here on out I will be more on top of this. But I need someone to run it for July (August ROTM), if you can be ready to start in a few days you can have it, first come first serve! After this I’ll be spinning the wheel on the first of each month and hopefully I won’t get afk people lol