N&G AOTM Year 4.1: General Thread & Archive


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2021
Vancouver Island
Welcome one and all to a new calendar year, and the resumption of Year 4 of Needles & Grooves' monthly AOTM!

I am your host @avecigrec and I'm thrilled and honoured to be finishing out this year for the fabulous @Fleetwood-Matt and then taking us into Year 5, which looks to be the first year in which we will be encountering repeat pickers, barring a large influx of first-timers in the coming months - which would also be great!!

Because I'm not able to edit @Fleetwood-Matt's posts on the original N&G AOTM Year 4: General Thread & Archive I have cut and pasted the meat and potatoes of his introduction below, and will then post the updated list of months, albums and future pickers.

You all probably know the drill by now, but just in case any newcomers are interested, here's the rundown:

  • Each month, someone from the forum chooses a record for the rest of the forum to go out and purchase.
  • The thread dedicated to their AOTM is typically started the month before whatever month they are picked for (for example, if you are picking the record for August, your thread will be started in July, and so on).
  • The choice of record is almost entirely dependent on the person choosing, though there are some stipulations put in place to try to keep things balance for everyone. The most important thing to make sure of is that anyone can secure a copy of your AOTM (preferably for under $30), regardless of what country they are in. Keep in mind that multiple people from different countries participate in these threads. As long as you can be reasonably sure everyone will be able to get a copy of the album you choose without issue, the sky's the limit!
  • For each thread, the person responsible for picking the AOTM is also responsible for coming up with hints for the rest of the forum to use to guess the record they have chosen. This is the main component of the individual AOTM threads; trying to keep the rest of the forum guessing while still providing enough info for it to be solved! Or, if the forum fails to solve the album, it is revealed via an announcement from the person who picked it.
  • The announcement date for the record is largely up to the person picking; typically in the past, the chooser has composed a write-up to go more into detail for why they picked the record, what they like about it or other assorted info about the record- though one shouldn't feel obligated to do a massive write-up for the record they chose if they're not comfortable doing so!
  • After the current month's thread has been wrapped up, whoever has previously been drawn for the following month will then start their thread. Though just because an AOTM's month has ended doesn't mean that discussion of that record should cease - feel free to use it to provide further updates about developments with the record or what the artist is currently up to!
  • It has become customary that the person choosing the record runs their own thread, but for the following year while I am in charge of running the general thread, I'm offering to those who wish to pick an AOTM, but perhaps don't feel up to running the entire thread, a helping hand. If you want me to run your thread for you, I will be happy to do so and hopefully make the task of coming up with hints and whatnot easier and less stressful. But, if you want full control over your thread, then that is also welcome!
  • And of course, the final rule: be nice.
And with that, I think all the bases are covered in terms of explaining the AOTMs. I realize much of that is redundant for those who have been in the game since June 2019, but even if only one new person hops aboard this year, I'll want them to be able to know what's going on with the AOTMs so, hopefully, I've explained it thoroughly enough for anyone unfamiliar.

One last note for this introductory post is a point I wish to stress: we are, for the most part, a very open-minded community when it comes to music on N&G. In just the first two years of doing AOTMs, we have had jazz, metal, singer-songwriter, flamenco, Irish music, glitch pop, punk rock, blues, a covers album, classical, a live album, French post-rock, ambient and much, much more. As you can tell just from that sampling, these AOTMs aren't pinned down by a specific genre or country of origin. I say this to alleviate fears some may have of their record not fitting a certain type of mould or not being accepted by the forum. If you love the album and want to pick it, then pick it!

And with that covered it's time to continue Year 4!!!
And a new month means a new picker is on deck! So without further ado...

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@TenderLovingKiller® will be making our March selection! Watch for his guess thread to fire up at the beginning of February. In the meanwhile, don't forget the guess thread for our February AOTM chosen by @hatfieldpdx is now live and ready for your sleuthing, and this month's AOTM is Routine Maintenance by Aaron West and The Roaring Twenties, chosen for us by @tonythegamer.

Come join the fun!
I have been on this list for like 5 years! Looking forward to it!
I've been thinking about it a bit more, and am really loving the idea of a fresh start for Year 5.

As such I've been pondering just drawing the last three names we have for the last 3 months of year 4 and then putting out an open call to build up the box of names for Year 5.

I'm curious what you the people think of this prospect.
I've been thinking about it a bit more, and am really loving the idea of a fresh start for Year 5.

As such I've been pondering just drawing the last three names we have for the last 3 months of year 4 and then putting out an open call to build up the box of names for Year 5.

I'm curious what you the people think of this prospect.
I say go for it
I've been thinking about it a bit more, and am really loving the idea of a fresh start for Year 5.

As such I've been pondering just drawing the last three names we have for the last 3 months of year 4 and then putting out an open call to build up the box of names for Year 5.

I'm curious what you the people think of this prospect.

Yeah agreed. I’ve kinda felt that way for the last 12 months or so. I think a fresh call for pickers could build up momentum and interest again. There was definitely more engagement at the start and decent engagement even as it dwindled later in year one and two. The picks and threads have still been brill since but the interest did die out a bit. The bigger forum contributors being engaged again alongside newer forum members might make it mental again…
Ive been a lot absent of late but would like to make an effort on the AOTM threads.
And whilst nothing wrong with how it’s all gone, maybe I can put out a idea out in the ether….
no announcing until a certain date and maybe even in some way slowing it down for first 7 days. I’ve often popped into a thread on day 3 and seen it announced and then literally not read further.
Not a mean spirited comment just more thoughts on letting the interest build and members catch up if missed a day or 2 ?
Also if this happened in latest thread it’s pure coincidence - I’ve not looked at it yet.
Ive been a lot absent of late but would like to make an effort on the AOTM threads.
And whilst nothing wrong with how it’s all gone, maybe I can put out a idea out in the ether….
no announcing until a certain date and maybe even in some way slowing it down for first 7 days. I’ve often popped into a thread on day 3 and seen it announced and then literally not read further.
Not a mean spirited comment just more thoughts on letting the interest build and members catch up if missed a day or 2 ?
Also if this happened in latest thread it’s pure coincidence - I’ve not looked at it yet.

Yeah that’s all true. I think people get carried away with excitement and just keep throwing them out tbf. The other thing I’d say is that people are too quick to announce once it’s been guessed. Drag it out more, string people along, make them solves all the clues too.
Yeah that’s all true. I think people get carried away with excitement and just keep throwing them out tbf. The other thing I’d say is that people are too quick to announce once it’s been guessed. Drag it out more, string people along, make them solves all the clues too.

I lasted a whole day…..
Plus, I want first dibs on the next serie so I can run an AoTM thread for a month! You guys will never find what my AoTM will and even if you do I won't tell you until the end of the month.

Whenever I get a second go, and that will just be whenever I come out of the hat, I absolutely won’t announce until I’m ready and all the clues are properly tied to it.