N&G Secret Santa

Looks like I have a package waiting for me at home! It’s safe inside and now I have to get through today’s workday before I can open it! Well that’s just incentive to work super hard so the day goes fast!! Pictures of course will be later when I open it!
Santa's sleigh made a stop in Manhattan yesterday and let me tell you, the delivery was sweet indeed!

There's been a William Onyeabor sized hole in my collection for far too long and Santa delivered the goods! This compilation is a heaping handful of fire emojis and some of the funkiest shit ever put to wax. My wife is pretty stoked on this one as well!

The second record is something new to me, but I played a couple tracks on Spotify (I know, I know) and this is very much my jam. Looking forward to irritating the neighbors with some southern fried rockin vibes courtesy of Lee Bains III cranked all the way to 11!

Now, Santa, unless I missed it you didn't include a note so I had to use some serious sleuthing to discern your secret identity. The Lee Bains LP was the key to unraveling the mystery, as there's only two folks on the boards here that have mentioned this artist. Based on the tracking origin of the package I had a geographic target within which to search as well. Both people who've talked about Lee Bains III on the forum live in the state where the package originated from but one lives over 2 hours away from the origin city, so with a little additional digging and cross referencing old posts, I am pretty positive my thanks for this year's Secret Santa should go to none other than....


@Yer Ol' Uncle D !!!!!

Thank you, you Fantastic Man. I sincerely appreciate the thoughtful gifts and I hope you have a wonderful holiday :)


(there was a felt slipmat in there, too!)
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Santa's sleigh made a stop in Manhattan yesterday and let me tell you, the delivery was sweet indeed!

There's been a William Onyeabor sized hole in my collection for far too long and Santa delivered the goods! This compilation is a heaping handful of fire emojis and some of the funkiest shit ever put to wax. My wife is pretty stoked on this one as well!

The second record is something new to me, but I played a couple tracks on Spotify (I know, I know) and this is very much my jam. Looking forward to irritating the neighbors with some southern fried rockin vibes courtesy of Lee Bains III cranked all the way to 11!

Now, Santa, unless I missed it you didn't include a note so I had to use some serious sleuthing to discern your secret identity. The Lee Bains LP was the key to unraveling the mystery, as there's only two folks on the boards here that have mentioned this artist. Based on the tracking origin of the package I had a geographic target within which to search as well. Both people who've talked about Lee Bains III on the forum live in the state where the package originated from but one lives over 2 hours away from the origin city, so with a little additional digging and cross referencing old posts, I am pretty positive my thanks for this year's Secret Santa should go to none other than....


@Yer Ol' Uncle D !!!!!

Thank you, you Fantastic Man. I sincerely appreciate the thoughtful gifts and I hope you have a wonderful holiday :)

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(there was a felt slipmat in there, too!)

Right on. Glad you liked everything.

I took a flier on the LBIII&TGF. Felt you'd like it though - it's more punk than anything else and I knew that'd be up your alley.

I actually composed a letter to include but in classic fashion left it out of the package. This has happened before so you're in the official club now.
Right on. Glad you liked everything.

I took a flier on the LBIII&TGF. Felt you'd like it though - it's more punk than anything else and I knew that'd be up your alley.

I actually composed a letter to include but in classic fashion left it out of the package. This has happened before so you're in the official club now.

I salute you, sir :D
Pretty sure i got them yesterday, but my wife thought they were sent from my mom.

I didn't have a lot of time to think about it as I was heading out the door for work.

I'll find out where she put them tonight and post a pic.

Sorry my friend, I think that package is from your mom :)

This was what I was following yesterday:

Now looking at this:

...with fingers crossed, of course :)

I have been pacing for the past ten minutes trying to get my thoughts together. I have been pacing my kitchen while dinner has been cooking. No amount of thank yous can cover how wonderful the gift I received was. To be honest you’ve floor me and I have been on the brink of happy tears writing this. This one is going down in history as one of my all-time favorite gifts ever. I wish you lived closer because I want to give you a hug. All arrived unharmed!

Please check out the wonderful gift I have received! Thank you to Chet for the speedy delivery!


A Charlie Brown Christmas ~ Vince Guaraldi (trio yeah I know it's marked just him, but I consider it the trio):
What can I say that hasn’t been said? I ADORE Christmas music on vinyl and I don’t know why I never pulled the trigger on this! I had the single of Linus and Lucy that was for Record Store Day. Now I get the full soundtrack! It’s arguable that this is THE Christmas soundtrack!

Lady Gaga ~ The Fame:

I have a friend who is OBSESSED with Lady Gaga and to be fair I am as well. I loved this album when it came out, but I am not sure as to why I never got it. I have it now and cannot wait to spin it! I’ll have to show my friend!

Zola Jesus ~ Taiga:
I am going to be honest here I have no idea who this is, but just reading the information inside I am hyped to check this out! Reading the poster I see orchestral instruments. I am super intrigued! I played trumpet back in high school and I still listen to classical music to this day, though not as much as I should haha!

Amy Winehouse ~ Back To Black:
I should be ashamed (playfully of course) for not having this in my collection up until now. Every time I was in Kohls or in different stores I always looked at this to price it out. It was always out of my price range at the time. Now I get to spin this one!

Charly Bliss ~ Guppy:

Well here’s another one I have no idea about this artist, but I do see Seattle so that intrigues me! Again I cannot wait until I get to spin this one! I love the hype sticker it made me laugh!

Santa thank you AGAIN! If you wish to reveal your identity go ahead, but I did have my guesses :D Here’s to a wonderful week and weekend of wax to spin!
i really gotta hope my santa comes here tomorrow because my aunt is going to be sleeping in my room where the turntable is so i wont be able to listen to any records that come after christmas (and even after that i dunno if i'll have my table with me because of other family there)