N&G Secret Santa - 2020

If people are buying records online do they usually have them shipped to their place and then re-mail them to the recipient?
Depends on what you’re doing. If you are just shipping straight records then yeah ship em direct. If you are wanting to personalize your gift, then ship it to yourself first. Personalization is a nice touch but not a requirement. Obviously you have to factor in budgets and time into your planning also.
Depends on what you’re doing. If you are just shipping straight records then yeah ship em direct. If you are wanting to personalize your gift, then ship it to yourself first. Personalization is a nice touch but not a requirement. Obviously you have to factor in budgets and time into your planning also.
I like to send a handwritten note and maybe some like stickers from my local. But given Covid I think we will have a higher percentage of packages bought online and that’s totally OK
not sure if it's been mentioned...but can we try to make sure US people send to US people this year?

Postage to the UK was pretty expensive as it was last year --- only more so now.

I know we can "drop ship", but I do like to make the package a bit more personal with some added value.
This was discussed last year among the staff. We decided to put everyone in the same pool, with the expectation that no one would ship internationally (since it is difficult/expensive).

We have a very international user base and thought it best to put everyone in the same pool so that we can be as inclusionary as possible. This idea was strongly supported by the international members and staff.

If you really didn't want an international Santee you could just say so in the form. I had people do that and I honored their requests no problem.