Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

I'm listening to NY Serenade as I type this, just got to the part where the tempo picks up. So good! This album has been a blast. I feel like the whole thing would be an outstanding live experience. Tons going on in every song, I think this one's going to need multiple listens in the near future just to take everything in.
He doesn't play a ton of The Wild live anymore. Well, Rosalita is a staple at nearly every show. During the encore. With every single damn person in the crowd singing every word and dancing like the drunken fools that they are. But the rest of the album, he doesn't play that much. There was a tour recently (@David A. - help me out - which tour?) in which he was taking requests. People would write their requests on poster board and at a certain point in the show, he'd ask for the requests, grab them out of the crowd and then pick a few to play. I saw NY Serenade and Kitty's Back because of requests on that tour.

It is my fave Bruce album for a reason though. I love all of the piano. Speaking of piano - Jungleland on Born to Run is a damn masterpiece from Mr. Roy Bittan (the piano player aka the professor).
Face (demodex) mites don't poop. They have no anuses. They store the poop in their bodies till they die.

Also, most people have them. So, next time you have the chance, thank a demodex for not shitting on you.
@Jonathan Y and I have had this discussion previously. To me, it barely qualifies as food let alone delicious food. Also, it is an absolute garbage representation of Mexican food. I may be a bit spoiled here in AZ as the amount of good, authentic, and delectable Mexican food is abundant, but Taco Bell is just a dumpster fire.

There, go ahead, rip me to shreds! My body is ready. LOL
Taco Bell is not Mexican and anyone who thinks it is delusional or presidential material. Anyhow, I’m firmly in the it’s delicious camp.