Vinyl Me Please Anthology

Is there a drop out about midway through the first song on Schizophrenia? Or is that how the recording is? I never noticed it before but it sounds like the cymbals get completely mis-hit and there’s no sound where it sounds like there should be... sorry not very good at describing it.
Is there a drop out about midway through the first song on Schizophrenia? Or is that how the recording is? I never noticed it before but it sounds like the cymbals get completely mis-hit and there’s no sound where it sounds like there should be... sorry not very good at describing it.
Are you referring to the VMP version?
Bah, that's nothing. I wrote to them again asking about an issue (label on the Akinmusire album) that they said they'd take care of but didn't do what they said they'd do. That was 6 full days ago. Still no response. Had been corresponding with Stephen.
A week went by before I got a response one time, and that’s because I sent a follow up email, so there’s that. If by day 5 you don’t hear back, send a follow up email.

I sent a follow up this morning and Stephen responded that he'd been out of town.

Apologize, put in for shipping replacement asap and added $20 in credit to "lessen the sting of the whole ordeal" since I expressed how displeased I was throughout the whole experience but avoided piling on until now.
I sent a follow up this morning and Stephen responded that he'd been out of town.

Apologize, put in for shipping replacement asap and added $20 in credit to "lessen the sting of the whole ordeal" since I expressed how displeased I was throughout the whole experience but avoided piling on until now.
It seems to me that one person being out of town should not cause customer service to be put on hold. Also, does being out of town mean being on vacation? Is he not capable of sending out an email to any people with active issues letting them know that he will be out of town? Is it not possible for someone else to step in and handle things? Why is VMP always reactive and never proactive about these things?