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  • I have a newly minted and fully licensed 16 year old driver in the house. Now I have to try to find her a car in our budget that's safe for teens. It never ends.
    Subarus are built like tanks
    • Cheers
    Reactions: mdmost
    Yes, we have an Ascent and love it. My wife has told me the car must be on the list of safest cars for teens so that's the parameters I have to work in. Something I'm planning to investigate further is rental car sales like Hertz and Enterprise.
    Nothing quite like teaching your child how to parallel park and you're both sitting in the car parked on the curb watching a video to help her understand the process better and then you hear a crash which is your neighbor who just backed out of his driveway into your driver's side front panel. At least we're both fine and the damage is fixable. But what are the odds?
    Melt Face Molly Drop
    Melt Face Molly Drop
    How sharp of a turn did he take out of his driveway? Having trouble visualizing that one.
    So he is across the street from us. Our driveways do not line up. Theirs is to the left of ours but in front of the sidewalk that encompasses our front lawn. We never park in the street. We were only there as I had moved my car in front of our driveway to use as the car for my daughter to try to parallel park around. At least he didn't hit my car as well. This was my wife's car. So perpendicular.
    He honestly just wasn't paying any attention. It's an older car so I doubt it had a backup camera. He probably makes that backing out manuever everyday and there's never a car there. He was super apologetic and got his insurance info and admitted fault. I've already taken the car into get fixed and have a rental for my wife to use.
    24 years ago today, a beautiful young lady said yes to a hastily prepared, jumbled mess of a proposal on the cliffs of Mt. Bonnell overlooking the city where we first met. We were married on this day, one year later. Happy 23rd anniversary to my wonderful wife.
    Trying to find the positives in every day when the news of the world is grim. Things, like today, the new Washed Out album came out so that's something positive to experience.
    RIP Kinky Friedman. A staple of the Texas from my youth that I sorely miss.

    Oh man. Real legend there.
    One of my favorite quotes:

    My dear,

    Find what you love and let it kill you.

    Let it drain you of your all. Let it cling onto your back and weigh you down into eventual nothingness.

    Let it kill you and let it devour your remains.

    For all things will kill you, both slowly and fastly, but it’s much better to be killed by a lover.

    ~ Falsely yours
    Kinky Friedman
    Loved his books. Haven’t read any in a while, which I think I need to fix.
    Happy 30th Anniversary to one of my favorite albums of all time, Purple by Stone Temple Pilots. 30 years ago today I was fresh out of high school and just starting my time in Austin attending college. I walked down to Tower Records on the Drag and bought this album on CD. I spent the rest of the day driving around Austin getting to know my new city while listening. Maybe that's why this album still sticks with me.
    The word of the day is gratitude. The kind you have when you haven't had power at your home since Tuesday and it finally comes back on. The kind you have for electric utility workers and tree clearing crews who have post-hurricane like conditions to clear out to bring your services back on. I would go bake them some cookies but we had to throw all our eggs and butter out. It did allow me to deep clean out our fridge.
    Pet Sounds is 58 years old today. I know what I'll be listening to in just a little bit. The Beach Boys will always occupy a special place for me as that was my late father's favorite band.
    Diary of a Diapery Baby
    Diary of a Diapery Baby
    BB's were also one of my late father's favorites. But, really, the pre-PS surf music. I still remember hearing songs like Be True to Your School and Help Me Rhonda on cassette as a young boy zipping around CT in his Saab. We'll soon be coming up on a year since his passing and I appreciate you bringing up these memories!
    Diary of a Diapery Baby
    Diary of a Diapery Baby
    I once read an article making the case for BB's straddling two worlds and appealing to two sensibilities. The surf music appealed to conservative reactionaries toward a perceived golden age. And PS on to a progressive fan base. This fits with my father's personality (although he wasn't conservative in politics - a liberal blue state Jew - but in some of his attitudes).
    i don't know if the BB were one of my dads fav bands but one of those comps they released in the '90s got a lot of play time in the family van as kids.sadly my pops is no longer with us passed away in 2018 so the BB music will always have fond memories with me and also a special place in my heart.i'm sure many others can relate to this.
    As I get older, the notion of sunk cost becomes more of an acceptable rationalization for parting with things even if you don't get a lot for them. But I got a decent amount at Half Price Books yesterday for old VMP and other vinyl I no longer listen to. And before you ask, I don't have enough boxes to PIF things otherwise I would have.
    Is it bad that while watching 60 Minutes, I see the commercials for river cruises obviously aimed at 60+ year old people and think "actually that looks kinda nice"?
    Listening to some records to make sure they're ready to go because I want to sell them on Discogs. It really makes it hard to part with them because you remember why you bought them in the first place. Then again, daddy needs a new projector and you will go towards that fund. I will miss you.
    Well that was pretty awesome. The clouds cleared away just in time for us to see the total eclipse. Seeing the stars during the daytime is quite the freaky experience. I am being informed that the stars were actually Jupiter and Venus.

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