Portland / Oregon

Two Waxahatchee Portland dates in September! I've been to plenty of shows at the Wonder Ballroom, but never any at Aladdin Theater. Anyone here have a venue preference?
I refer the Wonder overall for the vibe and space; you can grab balcony seats if you want sitting, and the basement bar is pretty comfy. I might simply be biased because I've seen my favorite shows there, but it's my venue of choice.

I do like the Aladdin; I loved seeing Snail Mail (opener Choir Boy outshone them though) in general admission there, and it was pretty easy to stroll in and grab a good seat.

Speaking of which, Lucy Dacus with Bartees Strange at the Wonder in October!
A dig the Aladdin, nice to be able to move around or sit when you feel like it. Usually decent sound in there too. There will be a line around the block for the Julien Baker and Waxahatchee shows for better seating, I would guess.

All the ladies heading our way in the fall. Wax, Julien, Lucy, Courtney Marie...
Has anybody in PDX used this store for vintage gear repair? Audio Specialties LTD, east of 205. My Sansui Model 2000 is still giving me trouble and this store has good reviews and he said generally work is $150 or less.
I've had a few experiences with Doug @ Audio Specialties. I think you're safe with older gear -- he should do a good job with your Sansui. I will never go there again, though, because he ruined my (admittedly complex) Sony PS-X700 turntable while attempting a simple repair. Now, I take my gear to Inner Sound in Clackamas.
I've never used Audio Specialties, but I thought Inner Sound in Clackamas did nice work, fairly priced, to repair the powered amp in one of my Polk tower speakers that went out. That repaired one is still going strong several years later, but of course the other speaker's amp went out next, and I have yet to go get it repaired... (Gradually talking myself into just replacing speakers that are now approaching 25 years old...)
I took my Dynaco 70 there and a solid state preamp. Both times were pretty quick and the service seemed fine. That was 4 or 5 years ago.
I took my Dynaco 70 there and a solid state preamp. Both times were pretty quick and the service seemed fine. That was 4 or 5 years ago.
Inner sound or audio specialties?

Seems like I may be better off just going to inner sound
Stay hydrated + inside if you can.

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we've never had this type of weather event here. no matter how many times i looked at the forecast, it didn't register how rough it'd be until outside felt like an oven yesterday.

about all i've been able to do is stay inside. with a two story house and no central AC i can only move our portable unit up at night and down in the morning. with temperatures hitting just over 80 indoors yesterday we couldn't reasonably leave the house with the dogs and cats cooped up.

hope everyone else up here in the PNW is staying safe. today and tomorrow will be even worse.
we've never had this type of weather event here. no matter how many times i looked at the forecast, it didn't register how rough it'd be until outside felt like an oven yesterday.

about all i've been able to do is stay inside. with a two story house and no central AC i can only move our portable unit up at night and down in the morning. with temperatures hitting just over 80 indoors yesterday we couldn't reasonably leave the house with the dogs and cats cooped up.

hope everyone else up here in the PNW is staying safe. today and tomorrow will be even worse.
We have a 2 story, no AC house too. We keep the window unit in our daughter's room upstairs. I think we're all camping in her room tonight and tomorrow. We're fine in a lazy, hot way
Shit, I really feel for y'all without A/C. In the 2009 event (reaching 106-107 F), I was actually crazy enough to be walking around downtown one afternoon. It was surreal and I felt like my brain was melting. But at that time, I was in a non-A/C apartment so there wasn't much advantage to returning home until after sunset.

My next home after that was a condo without A/C, and we gave in and bought a portable A/C for our bedroom, after experiencing too many high-90s days without A/C. That helped, but even leaving the bedroom for the kitchen was a shock to the system, being much much warmer.

We've been in a house with central A/C since late 2016. These annual heat waves have clobbered our A/C unit twice in the last 4 years, though, forcing us to get repairs asap. We're cautiously hoping that our A/C survives the next week or so.

I've been a proud Portlander since 2000 (never felt more at home anywhere else in the country than here), but I'm shocked at how I've gone from boasting to my southern USA friends and family twenty years ago that "Portland rarely gets above 90 degrees, even in the summer" and how I don't need A/C here, to lamenting that "well, it's going to be as hot as 115 degrees today."

Fuck climate change.
It's a great time to flatten problem records!
Speaking of...
Great question. +1 from me, if there's anyone local willing to help me try and fix this Feelies Crazy Rhythms LP. I've owned it since the 90s, and never have been able to play it due to the severe warp that I didn't notice. (I was crate-diving at a wildly-chaotic used records shop in Cleveland, and I guess this one got too close to the old-fashioned radiators in the place, and I didn't notice it until after I got home.)

I can't bear to just throw it away, so I'd like to try one really good shot at fixing this warp and saving a hard-to-find record that's otherwise in excellent shape, crossing fingers that it won't distort or ruin the grooves in the process.
@CraigVC, do you still need help with this?
I've been a proud Portlander since 2000 (never felt more at home anywhere else in the country than here), but I'm shocked at how I've gone from boasting to my southern USA friends and family twenty years ago that "Portland rarely gets above 90 degrees, even in the summer" and how I don't need A/C here, to lamenting that "well, it's going to be as hot as 115 degrees today."

Fuck climate change.

We moved to Salem in 2004 from Illinois...and heard that ALL THE TIME. The shitty apartment we got didn't have AC and it was hot. We found out that first year the (Salem)" rarely gets above 90 degrees, even in the summer" was bullshit. We only lived there a year and bought a house with AC by the next summer. We've made sure the next 2 houses we've bought also had AC.

We couldn't add any window AC unit as the windows were those side to side sliders that barely open. We did get a swamp cooler that helped a little.