
The Watchmen finale was meh to me.

I'll preface this with: I have not read the comics.

What was the point of this? As someone that didn't read the comics, it was entertaining enough until it wasn't. The last 2 episodes just did not hold my attention at all. The season reached its pinnacle with the Angela experiencing her grandfather's memories. And went downhill after that - and pretty quickly. Regina King was great. But man, I just didn't "get it". Not that I didn't understand what was happening, I did. I just didn't get what the show was trying to do. There was so little character development with the senator that I could have cared less any time he was on the screen. Mirror Guy had an episode of backstory and then.... where was he the rest of the series? He got a few minutes of screen time here and there. And Cal was just so blah. It just felt like a very superficial story. I wasn't invested in really any of the characters except maybe Angela. But that might just be because I love Regina.

If there is a 2nd season, I don't think I'll watch.
Yeah I kind of feel the same way and I read and enjoyed the graphic novel - I think it’s great. Seeing Dr Manhattan finally make his big appearance and get an episode devoted to him was nice. But just as quickly as he’s brought into this version, he’s taken out of it which just felt weirdly rushed and annoying. And the makeup on him when he wasn’t glowing - yikes. Also the Angela experiencing her grandfather’s memories was by far the best of the series, and that entire racial dynamic to this world was super interesting and then they just kind of throw it all away at the end. I don’t know. It does feel like what was the point? It’s a bit frustrating.
Holy shit, is anybody watching Don't Fuck With Cats on Netflix?
I started watching it last night and it really fucked me up. It it almost a little too graphic for my taste (and I have zero problems with movies like Human Centipede or Hotel) but the story is incredible. I don't want to google anything about it to avoid spoilers but the first two episodes left me at the edge of my seat.
Holy shit, is anybody watching Don't Fuck With Cats on Netflix?
I started watching it last night and it really fucked me up. It it almost a little too graphic for my taste (and I have zero problems with movies like Human Centipede or Hotel) but the story is incredible. I don't want to google anything about it to avoid spoilers but the first two episodes left me at the edge of my seat.
I heard about it this morning. Does it actually show animals being mistreated? That’s gonna be a hard sell for me.
I heard about it this morning. Does it actually show animals being mistreated? That’s gonna be a hard sell for me.

Not directly, but it shows people watching videos about that and saying what they're watching and somehow it's even more disturbing. There are one or two pictures of dead animals, which make everything worse. And then, there's the story of this bloody motherfucking piece of shit, so it is really a lot to digest.
I guess it's the taughest thing to watch on Netflix right now.
Holy shit, is anybody watching Don't Fuck With Cats on Netflix?
I started watching it last night and it really fucked me up. It it almost a little too graphic for my taste (and I have zero problems with movies like Human Centipede or Hotel) but the story is incredible. I don't want to google anything about it to avoid spoilers but the first two episodes left me at the edge of my seat.
I heard about it this morning. Does it actually show animals being mistreated? That’s gonna be a hard sell for me.

Netflix showed me a preview of it last night (you know what I'm talking about - I didn't ask for the preview, but it just started playing).

And I thought it looked interesting enough. Their faux-doc about the penis spray painting was hysterical and genius. But I was concerned about the mistreatment of animals part. I can't handle that.
If you continue on with the show, please come back and let me know if it gets worse and how you like the show.
Netflix showed me a preview of it last night (you know what I'm talking about - I didn't ask for the preview, but it just started playing).

And I thought it looked interesting enough. Their faux-doc about the penis spray painting was hysterical and genius. But I was concerned about the mistreatment of animals part. I can't handle that.
If you continue on with the show, please come back and let me know if it gets worse and how you like the show.

Wait, what? It's a faux-doc? It's not real?
Ok, so... All the things that I watched are not real... That's good. If it were true, it was just too much.
I'll bingewatch the rest of the season and will let you know tomorrow how's the rest of it.
Wait, what? It's a faux-doc? It's not real?
Ok, so... All the things that I watched are not real... That's good. If it were true, it was just too much.
I'll bingewatch the rest of the season and will let you know tomorrow how's the rest of it.
TBH, I thought the cat doc was not real. Holy shit. Knowing that it is real adds a whole new layer to this! That article is.... crazy!

And yes, MFMD is right, American Vandal is the show I was talking about. S1 was amazing. S2 was fine. And it is NOT real.
TBH, I thought the cat doc was not real. Holy shit. Knowing that it is real adds a whole new layer to this! That article is.... crazy!

And yes, MFMD is right, American Vandal is the show I was talking about. S1 was amazing. S2 was fine. And it is NOT real.

Oh, ok, ok, I was confused before.
Yes, American Vandal was fun. I think Netflix cancelled it, right?
I still can't believe DFWC is true. The story is CRAZY.

Last week I watched The Confessed killer (what is it with me and documentaries about serial killers?). It was fine, maybe one episode too long.
And I also watched Jack Whitehall: Christmas With My Father that it's obvioulsy funny AF. If you haven't seen the series, watch it now. It's about this ultra liberal comedian who goes on vacation with his ultra conservative father. It's really, really funny.
Oh, ok, ok, I was confused before.
Yes, American Vandal was fun. I think Netflix cancelled it, right?
I still can't believe DFWC is true. The story is CRAZY.

Last week I watched The Confessed killer (what is it with me and documentaries about serial killers?). It was fine, maybe one episode too long.
And I also watched Jack Whitehall: Christmas With My Father that it's obvioulsy funny AF. If you haven't seen the series, watch it now. It's about this ultra liberal comedian who goes on vacation with his ultra conservative father. It's really, really funny.
I was confused. And I was confusing. Lol

Yep, Netflix cancelled American Vandal. Just like they cancel every good show after 2 seasons unless it is Stranger Things.

I love true crime series/documentaries. I'll check The Confessed Killer out. And I watch tons of bad xmas movies in Dec - so the other one sounds fun too. :)
Netflix showed me a preview of it last night (you know what I'm talking about - I didn't ask for the preview, but it just started playing).

And I thought it looked interesting enough. Their faux-doc about the penis spray painting was hysterical and genius. But I was concerned about the mistreatment of animals part. I can't handle that.
If you continue on with the show, please come back and let me know if it gets worse and how you like the show.

So, the night binge-watching Don't Fuck With Cats ended up being just one episode cause the docuseries is just three episodes long. I thought it was five, but I was wrong.
It is incredible. For all the right and all the wrong reasons.
I need to digest it, so maybe tomorrow will be able to write something... But yeah, this was good. And so wrong and so fucked up.
Started watching The Witcher tonight. Loved the games. Action scenes were good, the I'll give it time to develop.

I got Witcher 3 on steam the other night. Started playing it, but not really that far into it.

I did finish Watchmen last night.

It was good. Took a bit longer for me to really engage with it. Felt slow up until ep. 5 or 6. By the time it got going it was over.

I can't wait for the series finale of Mr. Robot on Sunday.

I have to work, but will try to fit it in if I can...may not get to it until after work Monday morning.
My dad loved that show and would always tell me to watch it. From what he told me about it, it seemed RIDICULOUS.
It’s a premise that could work, in theory, but they apparently went with “ignore any semblance of how people behave in the real world because our plot requires it.” This dude should’ve been fired, if not charged with many many felonies, halfway through the pilot. And again in the course of each episode I’ve seen so far. But time after time people just shrug and are like “Wow, I guess the new sheriff does stuff his own way (by beating suspects half to death in public, with dozens of witnesses).” It’s kind of entertaining, but soooo silly. I guess that’s about as good as I expect from Cinemax though.

And it took me most of the first episode to realize that the protagonist is Homelander.