WHAT IS FOR LUNCH!??!?! A thread to discuss most important decision of the work day!

I don't. That's the first thing I've ever made from it. Generally I don't find food websites with a 'hook' (budget, diet, kid-friendly, quick) to have consistent quality, because they make sacrifices for recipes that fit their brand. Serious Eats and The Kitchn are the only two that I really count on to deliver. I've been going deep on NYT for some more plant-based meals lately too.

I've had very, very good luck with NYT Cooking.

I'm also a fan of Smitten Kitchen and Cookie + Kate.
I used to think that getting better at cooking meant being able to execute recipes better, and there is some of that, but I feel like the real skill I've built over the last several years is reading a recipe and having a feel for whether it's worth the effort. And I learned to pretty much immediately discredit any recipe that uses any variation of the word "yummy."
Exactly. I've also learned where parts of the recipe are open to interpretation and what to do if the quantities of liquid or spice are wildly against my tastes.
And that's the good lighting? That looks like roadkill thrown in a fryer, tossed on a pile of innocent fries and thrown in a box.


no like i said i couldnt get the lightning right, then i took it with flash on!!! Also, I had finished the wing and most of the fries by that point. I almost forgot to take a pic!!