Vinyl Me Please Rap & Hip Hop

Can’t remember if I ever mentioned this before, but in junior high I took a computer class where the final project that counted towards a large percentage of the semester grade was to create a presentation on anything we wanted. This was before PowerPoint was the main way to do it, and we only had Macintosh Classics, so we had to use this program called Apple HyperCard. We had to have a menu with clickable choices. I ended up doing my presentation on Wu Tang and the choices were different members. When you clicked on a member, it would play a snippet of one of their songs and there was a nice bio on them. It completely baffled my teacher but I got a decent grade.
Just spinning Prince Paul, sounds really really good. They did a great job on this one.

Just have been spinning my copy and absolutely can agree. This vinyl sounds excellent. 👌💯 I really have enjoyed listening to it. I really like the cinematic style with all the skits. It doesn't get boring at all. It's a fun trip and really a greatly constructed album with great tracks. I have to say it's among my favorites now of all the VMP RHH RotMs I know. On 🔥!