
Marco is a borderline comic book villian, so I get that.

Fred was the biggest shock and heartbreak of the season for me
The thing that got me was how out of it the actor who played Fred Johnson was. His acting this season was wooden AF, which was surprising since I thought he had done a serviceable job in prior seasons (also pretty good in The Wire and The Walking Dead previously).
The thing that got me was how out of it the actor who played Fred Johnson was. His acting this season was wooden AF, which was surprising since I thought he had done a serviceable job in prior seasons (also pretty good in The Wire and The Walking Dead previously).
Possibly wasn't happy about being a red shirt
I’m too lazy to search to see if it’s been mentioned already but Freaks & Geeks is on Hulu and just a reminder that it’s the greatest single season of television ever. I’m starting my umpteenth rewatch tonight.
Oh yeah! We binged through 3/4ths of it (for like the umpteenth time) the week before it was announced it was to start streaming Hulu. I am glad they were able to get the original music rights secured.

Also, on a semi-related note: I would appreciate it if Hulu would start streaming Undeclared also. I think it gets overlooked a bit because of how profound Freaks & Geeks was but it was a pretty great and unfortunately overlooked comedy too.
I’m too lazy to search to see if it’s been mentioned already but Freaks & Geeks is on Hulu and just a reminder that it’s the greatest single season of television ever. I’m starting my umpteenth rewatch tonight.
Also, on a completely unrelated note I was watching Ground Hog Day earlier this week and just realized your boy (and I mean boy cuz he was super young) Michael Shannon had a small role in it...
Oh yeah! We binged through 3/4ths of it (for like the umpteenth time) the week before it was announced it was to start streaming Hulu. I am glad they were able to get the original music rights secured.

Also, on a semi-related note: I would appreciate it if Hulu would start streaming Undeclared also. I think it gets overlooked a bit because of how profound Freaks & Geeks was but it was a pretty great and unfortunately overlooked comedy too.

I don't know what it is about Undeclared but I've tried watching it three times and have never made it all the way through. I want to like it.
I don't know what it is about Undeclared but I've tried watching it three times and have never made it all the way through. I want to like it.
I was in my freshman year of college when it came out and me and my roommates really enjoyed at the time but I’ve watched it multiple times since and IMO it still works great.

watched the first two episodes. It’s not a drama, it’s not a comedy but it’s certainly very interesting. I’m a sucker for mid-century things so I’m enjoying it so far. It’s definitely a slow burn to get to some plot that’s unfolding. I’m excited to see where it goes because I have not seen something like this before. It’s very unique.

watched the first two episodes. It’s not a drama, it’s not a comedy but it’s certainly very interesting. I’m a sucker for mid-century things so I’m enjoying it so far. It’s definitely a slow burn to get to some plot that’s unfolding. I’m excited to see where it goes because I have not seen something like this before. It’s very unique.

Without spoiling anything, I felt like they've ramped up the plot movement while preserving the weirdness/uncannyness this week.
Just started watching Resident Alien with Alan Tudyck. In some ways standard sit-com fair but also pretty irreverent. Nothing earth-shattering but still made me laugh pretty hard at times. The cow scene can never be unseen.
I watched the first two episodes on YouTube, since SYFY uploaded them. I liked it, I love Alan Tudyk, though. I'll wait until a season is done and pirate the rest. I'm not about to pay $60+ a month for Hulu +TV.
I watched the first two episodes on YouTube, since SYFY uploaded them. I liked it, I love Alan Tudyk, though. I'll wait until a season is done and pirate the rest. I'm not about to pay $60+ a month for Hulu +TV.
Yes Alan definitely makes it. It was filmed close to where I used to live (Ladysmith BC).
Never really liked the Marco storyline in the book and it didn't work for me this season. Still enjoyed the season but I cringed every time Marco was on screen in is Members Only jacket with the popped collar.

Plus Fred. Dammit.

Glad to see some love for this show... Love it! I think the Marco stuff is the weakest too - at least the part where he's on-screen. I think he works as an overarching villain to drive the story. Personally, I think the issue may be the actor (or the way he's asked to play the character).... he's such a dweeby villain - and he doesn't feel like a belter at all (like Dawes or Ashford). Comparing to Karal this season for example - such a fantastically played villain.
Glad to see some love for this show... Love it! I think the Marco stuff is the weakest too - at least the part where he's on-screen. I think he works as an overarching villain to drive the story. Personally, I think the issue may be the actor (or the way he's asked to play the character).... he's such a dweeby villain - and he doesn't feel like a belter at all (like Dawes or Ashford). Comparing to Karal this season for example - such a fantastically played villain.
At least in the book there was so much political machinations going on (belter vs belter, belter vs inner, old mars vs new mars etc) that Marco's moustache twirling was not so over the top. But I will give them credit for expanding the Drummer character much more than the book, Cara Gee has been one of the highlights of the series.

Just curious if they will try to bring in the Laconia storyline into season 6 or if they will just leave that for a possible movie.
At least in the book there was so much political machinations going on (belter vs belter, belter vs inner, old mars vs new mars etc) that Marco's moustache twirling was not so over the top. But I will give them credit for expanding the Drummer character much more than the book, Cara Gee has been one of the highlights of the series.

Just curious if they will try to bring in the Laconia storyline into season 6 or if they will just leave that for a possible movie.

I've really just been along for the ride - haven't read the books although I mean to eventually. Drummer is great. In fact, a lot of the characters are really well done.

For Marco, I wonder if for the show, it would have been better to make him more of a background manipulator (I'm thinking Tywin Lannister in GOT3).
I've really just been along for the ride - haven't read the books although I mean to eventually. Drummer is great. In fact, a lot of the characters are really well done.

For Marco, I wonder if for the show, it would have been better to make him more of a background manipulator (I'm thinking Tywin Lannister in GOT3).

Funny enough, the show started giving him screentime a season earlier than the books, so I guess they felt the same way.