Political Discussion

Southern states are very conservative. They are Clinton Democrats.
I don't know if that's it necessarily. I would say almost every older African American that was interviewed on the radio here (in SC) last week told them they were voting for Biden "because he was good enough for Obama." Or something similar. African Americans make up a large percentage of democratic primary voters in the South and maybe just the familiarity is enough pull for many people.

I’m not happy about this. I think consolidating the Moderate voters really paid off. I think that’s what the RNC failed to do with Rubio/Cruz/Kasich/etc and they ended up with Trump.

if Biden was the President I’d be extremely happy right now. Trump is fucking terrible. But he makes Biden look like a saint. Biden has baggage and is behind on issues but my hope is that Bernie and his supporters pressure Biden to support MFA at the very least.

Bernie most likely not getting the nomination sucks. But Biden is still okay, and 1000% better than Trump. Perspective.
It's just disappointing that this is what the party wants, and it's most likely what they're going to get. Which means, the party being stuck behind still, or at least stuck where they are, and not moving forward in a progressive way. Biden has a lot of issues. Better than Trump? Hell yeah fucking duh. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be pressured to do better or questioned on his ideas and history.

If this is how it goes, I just don't have much faith he's got a good chance of beating Trump. I don't see it.
It's just disappointing that this is what the party wants, and it's most likely what they're going to get. Which means, the party being stuck behind still, or at least stuck where they are, and not moving forward in a progressive way. Biden has a lot of issues. Better than Trump? Hell yeah fucking duh. But that doesn't mean he shouldn't be pressured to do better or questioned on his ideas and history.

If this is how it goes, I just don't have much faith he's got a good chance of beating Trump. I don't see it.

Not really what the party wants; but what the people want. People are out casting votes; not the party.
Biden does have a lot of issues - so does Bernie. I don't have much faith Bernie could beat Trump either.
You can't call it yet though, right? If Bernie wins Texas and California, he'll can still have more delegates, right?

Edit: I guess he'd have to take almost all the delegates which is unlikely.
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I mean she could give all her delicates (I’m just gonna leave that predictive text mistake in there) to Bernie.
What I'm hoping on by this point. Arguably what should've happened two days ago.

Still, we'll not have had half of all states come in after tonight. But boy oh boy do things need to go well, or at least contestable for Bernie in the next couple of weeks.
I mean she could give all her delicates (I’m just gonna leave that predictive text mistake in there) to Bernie.
As far as I understand, the delegates don't have to do what she asks, even if she does decide to do that. Plus there are places she won't get the 15 (?) % necessary anyway, so those votes she did get would have gone to waste.
I already saw one “Obama is the invisible hand.” Post.
Unfortunately I think this has a lot to do with it.

Obama did decent all things considered!
Biden was Obama's VP!
Biden should do a good job then! BERNIE SCARY!

Oof, I'm frustrated. All I keep wondering is who failed to prepare our generation for this, I guess.
neoliberal establishment wins again

looks like we will have 4 years of "ok lets slightly reverse the damages we didn't like" instead of general change
It's strange that people seem surprised by Biden taking MN. Klobuchar was polling very strong and when she bailed that seemed like the likely outcome. I was hoping that the Sanders or Warren campaign would've turned out more voters in the Twin Cities but it seems that they didn't / the progressive messaging has not been resonating with people in this part of the country. This was something I was afraid would happen.

We'll see what happens on the West coast but regardless it looks like a very steep climb to win over enough people in the rust belt / great lakes / upper midwest.

I'll be curious to see what narrative comes out of the sanders camp and whether or not the approach will be to fight through the convention or call it a day and try to build a coalition around Biden. The later seems unlikely.

Unfortunately for progressives Bloomberg's dollars didn't siphon off enough votes from Sanders. The polling data and models seem to have been more wrong than right again / they didn't have enough time to calibrate after S.C. and the Pete and Klobuchar dropouts

I'm still trying to be optimistic that enough people will turn out in November who feel a moral duty to vote against Trump.
neoliberal establishment wins again

I've been thinking about this term and it has always made me a little uncomfortable because it gets thrown around a lot, myself included, and it seems to mean whatever people want it to mean. Both parties support neo-liberal economic policies and programs.

I don't agree with everything the author says in this almost 3 year old article but I think it's worth the read.