Let's See Your Collection! Any Size!

Oh the different can. The 5 cokes is probably bad but that’s your business. People like me in glass houses don’t throw those stones!
Oh I'm well aware it's bad. I can't remember exactly what the current cans look like but they don't have the red stripe on them. They're just gray and say Diet Coke is red.
Oh I'm well aware it's bad. I can't remember exactly what the current cans look like but they don't have the red stripe on them. They're just gray and say Diet Coke is red.
That’s an old photo. I just found it - from a few years ago when Jon was on his first domestic tour.
I bet the dudes at Stereo Central would have fun with some of these pictures.

POGunter: Interesting on the 2x2 Expedits/Kallaxes. A lot smaller than I use but it seems to make sense in terms of keeping things from keeling over. Insane collection of a lot of the crazy new box sets and releases. Nice going on the Suvivor too - somewhat hometown heroes. Hah hah hah.
Understanding partners is a must in this collection building!

I now set my wife challenges at record fairs to combat her boredom ! Normally 80’s gap fillers ...bank hols Monday there is record fair in Stratford-upon-Avon where we just happen to be staying over the weekend! What a coincidence....so she’s tasked with finding a copy of Joan Jett’s “I love rock n roll” album on vinyl ....

And 5 months later found it at an antiques centre

I’ve seen this fellow’s IG account several times over the years. Love the shelves.
And there’s even a surprise for @Joe Mac in this video…..

I've been following this guy (and his son, they share an account) for years and its incredible how much his collection has grown.

I remember when he first showcased those custom shelves and I was blown away!!
I've been following this guy (and his son, they share an account) for years and its incredible how much his collection has grown.

I remember when he first showcased those custom shelves and I was blown away!!
Following where?
I've been following this guy (and his son, they share an account) for years and its incredible how much his collection has grown.

I remember when he first showcased those custom shelves and I was blown away!!

What's this guy's insta name, I WANNA FOLLOW!!!! Something tells me it's not Singapore Record Guy with Nice Shelves....
I thought for a moment you were talking about Kevin Deal from Upscale and I was like damn, @MikeH must have a pretty nice basement.
Don’t give me any ideas @Lee Newman ! You’re now a co-conspirator.

I’m scared of Kevin Deal. He made a video once where he swaddled a bookshelf speaker like a baby and was rocking it while it made goo goo gaga sounds. Stuff of nightmares. Pretty sure that happened at least…