Russ I
Well-Known Member
I've been thinning the herd recently and now have brought 3 wine boxes full of LP's to a local shop where the owner is very fair with trade-in value. The stuff I've brought him ranges from dollar-bin stuffers to records I'm sure he can price at $20-30 or more (Grateful Dead, Doors, Hendrix, Fleetwood Mac, Getz/Gilberto, Miles Davis, and the like). Today I cashed in for something I've had my eye on for a while--Neil Young's Official Release Series Discs 1-4, sealed. And apparently there's a story behind this particular box. I'm told it comes from the estate of a photographer who worked with Neil on his early albums. The photographer's wife enlisted a Salt Lake City antique books dealer to help her sell off parts of the estate. (This book dealer has been on Antiques Roadshow, if that's any kind of endorsement LOL.) He took care of the books from the estate, and connected the local record store owner with the widow to handle the records. Sounds like there was quite a bit of stuff, including four of these box sets, which have a scratch through the barcode as part of whatever transaction put them into this photographer's hands initially. The record shop sold three of the boxes and has had this one sitting in the shop for quite a while. I'm happy to help clean the slate for him! I'm going to have to find out the name of the photographer, and while the story isn't provable, that's okay by me because it's still kind of cool.