Favorite Album Covers

I'm sorry! Great minds think alike, I suppose?

That's good that somebody finally did it. I mentioned it in the past, but was being lazy. I was hoping to see the covers that meant things to people and hear why, too. But, was also interested in highlighting the artists that made them.

That's something that can still happen in here, though, and I'll start right now.

When I was young, my older brother used to have me look over his Iron Maiden albums to find the little Derek Riggs logo he'd hide in everything.

I loved how the artwork would fold out


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Funny thing, I knew it was a painting, could not remember the artist.............this was a PIF from way back, never heard the group, but loved the album art ;)

We have one of his books in my home and I've seen some of his stuff in exhibits, posted stuff from him in the past, etc. I actually planned to post 2 different threads today, so since this one is covered, I made sure to go do the other one, before I spaced it. It's for visual art in general. Maybe I'll throw some other Wittfooth stuff in there, right now.