Everything Video Games!

Been eatin' up some games lately....

Played through Katana Zero twice....seriously fun, fast-paced and at times challenging game with sick vaporwave soundtrack and really good story

Played Limbo and then Inside. Limbo was good. Inside took everything from Limbo and smoothed it out. I found the puzzles more difficult in Limbo but Inside more enjoyable.

Got Don't Starve and Don't Starve Together but haven't really got into those. Played a lil' of the single player Don't Starve - it's good but got other stuff I'm digging.

Downloaded and played through Streets of Rage 1, 2, 3 to get my fix in anticipation SoR 4 coming soon

Downloaded but have yet to play Witcher (yes, the first one; yes I'm way behind but keep hearing good things and don't wanna start at the third one)

Currently spending most of my time playing Middle Earth: Shadows of Mordor (I heard the follow-up ...of War isn't quite as good). I like it so far. A bit bloated (i.e. a lot of side missions and character building) and if the way I play something like, say Borderlands, I'll end up trying to do every single part. I like the fighting system - very reminiscent of Prince of Persia/Arkham series but when you get to fighting some of the Uruk captains the baddies just start piling on like you're a greased up pole and there's a leg of ham at the top.

Speaking of Borderlands, anyone have an opinion of 3? I liked the first two and will prob get the 3rd when Steam has a sale/price drops. Just this far in a series sometimes games take the best stuff and just pack on more and more without adding real value (recent example: Shadow of the Tomb Raider - didn't really improve upon Rise except maybe w/ the stealth; still a good game but just stuffing that sack till the seams bust)

I quite enjoyed Limbo when I played it back in the day.

But Inside..........wow. Inside has been one of those games that has absolutely stayed with me. I've played through it several times, and I pick up on something new every single time. Small details in the environment, with the NPCs, different themes that tell a deep and dystopian story without ever uttering a word.

There's been a good number of games in the past 5-10 years that have focused on shorter play-through times but richer storytelling experiences. I would argue that Inside may very well be the best of this ilk.
I quite enjoyed Limbo when I played it back in the day.

But Inside..........wow. Inside has been one of those games that has absolutely stayed with me. I've played through it several times, and I pick up on something new every single time. Small details in the environment, with the NPCs, different themes that tell a deep and dystopian story without ever uttering a word.

There's been a good number of games in the past 5-10 years that have focused on shorter play-through times but richer storytelling experiences. I would argue that Inside may very well be the best of this ilk.
Yea fabulous game. Definitely created a very interesting and sinister world. Like that they left it open to interpretation and what is really happening w the boy and Huddle (funny controlling it at end). Gonna play through for the orb ending. Disengaged I think 4 or 5 of them first go around. Find the rest on second go through. A lot of times I’ll take games off desktop and let steam hold em if I don’t think I’ll play em again for a while. This is def staying downloaded for a bit.
We dug up Luigi's Mansion at my SO's parents recently. I never had a video game system growing up (except for a secondhand classic Nintendo in high school). Popped it into the Wii to do a run through before we get LM3 next week, but we don't have any GC memory cards. Almost cleared area 2 and ended up with a game over. Needless to say, I'm overnighting a mem card and will blaze through the game tomorrow before my SO's copy of The Outer Worlds arrives. Had fun with the first 1/3!
We dug up Luigi's Mansion at my SO's parents recently. I never had a video game system growing up (except for a secondhand classic Nintendo in high school). Popped it into the Wii to do a run through before we get LM3 next week, but we don't have any GC memory cards. Almost cleared area 2 and ended up with a game over. Needless to say, I'm overnighting a mem card and will blaze through the game tomorrow before my SO's copy of The Outer Worlds arrives. Had fun with the first 1/3!
I'm really excited for LM3 myself. The first game is in my top 10.
Anyone getting Call of Duty? Pretty happy that Crossplay is coming to a big title like this and I only have to get one copy!
I'll probably end up picking it up. I don't want to because every time I get back into COD all my other productive activities take a nose-dive. But yeah, probably I will :)

Has anyone picked up Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice? Curious what others think about it.
Got a month of Game Pass for $1 so I could play Outer Worlds... It's fantastic so far and I'm barely into it. All my favourite parts of Bioshock and Fallout with a bit of an Elder Scrolls feel.
Somehow I just heard about this game for the first time over the weekend but its already high on my need to play list.
Finished Disco Elysium last night and it's my favorite game of the year so far. Can't remember the last time I got so wrapped up in a game's writing. Highly recommended if you're looking for a rather spectacular, combat-free RPG with some truly memorable characters and a lot of dodgy voice acting.
Somehow I just heard about this game for the first time over the weekend but its already high on my need to play list.
It’s blown every new IP I’ve played this year out of the water and I’ve barely scratched the surface.
I feel like my decisions actually make a difference and it's causing me anxiety.

I just "screwed up" a mission because I forgot what I was supposed to do exactly and ended up costing myself 10k credits.

A++ I love it.
Anyone played Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night? I've been trying to finish it before I dive headfirst into Outer Worlds. I really like it for the most part, and it feels a lot like the Castlevania games for the DS. I think I'm about 60% of the way through. I think my biggest complaint is that some of the upgrades to your major abilities (double jump, beam, etc.) requires you to farm specific enemies for random drops. Everything else is a carryover from previous Castlevania titles - one progression point that is super convoluted (the train), stun lock, and that one area that just sucks ass and leads to cheesing (the water into desert area that has no save points in the beginning of the desert). But also, you get an umbrella that did more damage than any normal sword I've found so far, so everything else was actually just careful design to allow you to use said umbrella to whoop even more ass!
In EA's conference call today, they stated that Apex Legends has 70 MILLION players. That's a massive number for a game released with absolutely zero promotion or marketing prior to launch day. I'm so proud of how far the game has come since I started playing in week one!

Apex is coming to mobile soon, and will be receiving an update for the holiday season, according to the conference call. So if you're not playing it yet, get to it! especially if you're on PS4 cause I need people to play with lol
I got accepted to the beta for Project xCloud on Android. If you're not familiar, it's Microsoft's game streaming service, similar to Google's Stadia. I tried it out last night, and I must admit, it far exceeded my expectations. I expected bugs and lag, because I stream the console in my bedroom to my laptop, so I can play in the living room while my wife plays on the TV out there. I get lag on occasion there, so I expected something coming from an external source to be at best the same. I played a few rounds of Halo 5 matchmaking, and had a blast. I noticed no major lag, the game ran smoothly without dropping in quality, and as a bonus, I had a positive k/d in my matches (haven't played in over a year). The other impressive thing is that we were watching YouTube on the TV, my wife was playing an online game on her phone, my son was playing Minecraft on the switch, and also had YouTube playing on his TV! My only real issue is that I didn't have anything to clip my phone to the controller, so looking at it was kind of awkward. I thought it might be cool to get one of those cheap VR headsets for phones, so I can view it better. If this is how streaming games is going to work, count me as a new supporter!
Nioh and Outlast 2 are the PS Plus free games for November. And as luck would have it, Nioh 2's release date got announced today for March!

If you haven't played Nioh and have PS Plus, I highly recommend it! Watched my SO play it start to finish, and they loved it just the same. (Dark Souls are their favorite games.) As someone who has studied east asian cultures and lived in Japan, I loved the way Nioh blends actual history, spiritualism, and mythology. It was super fun for us to dig up articles on each of the real historical figures you meet/fight throughout the game and remind ourselves how intense and filled with drama Japan's shogunate years were. The gameplay was challenging and fulfilling, as any souls-like should be.
Which path did you take and are you planning on playing through another path? I've beaten it 3 times and I'm just waiting for the final DLC before I playthrough my 4th and final time.

I played Blue Lions the first time through. I'll do the other paths on NG+ maybe next year after I've cleared some of my backlog.

Some of those ending grafs gave me feels.
Death Stranding isn't exactly getting great reviews.
Death Stranding isn't exactly getting great reviews.
I mean the consolidated score it has is 84. Which is pretty good.

It does seem polarizing tho. Some absolutely hated it, while others are like 10/10 masterpiece. Seems the consensus is that it's techincally marvelous and the story is great, while the gameplay is love it or hate it.