
Wish I could like this a million times. Eat shit Verlander.

There are not a ton of sports players that I wish horrible fates upon (Michael Vick is definitely on the top of the wish list for horrible fates). But after watching Verlander laugh and goof off in the dug out while the Astros were beating the Nats in DC, last night's win was beautiful. Astros may still win this, but he didn't help them at all. And that is delicious.
This is spot on:
”The interference call was like getting pulled over for driving one mile per hour over the speed limit, a showily petty bit of legal literalism that contravenes a lifetime of lived normative experience. On some level, it’s got to feel worse than having an umpire actually blow a call, and ought to be confronted with such force as to get a manager kicked out of a close World Series game.”

Gonna be so sweet to watch the Yanks crush this team and their fair weather fans next year.

Yea the broadcasters made sure to say his age every chance they got. He handled how to respond to a perceived slight perfectly. Even tho hes a Nat, he gained a fan in me last night

It is the top of the 2nd and I think the announcers have reminded us of soto's age approximately 85 times already
You know, McCarver and Morgan were absolute fucking gibbering morons but at least they had an ethos, man. Smoltz just says a bunch of nonsense.