I always wondered why for Yoda, the most (or just one of the most?) powerful Jedi, would need to jump around in order to fight rather than just control his lightsaber with his mind, or...simply make Dooku stoop to fight; that seems like a great advantage on its own. Also that all his joints and muscles would go to shit between ages 875 and 900...but then I'm not a yodaphysiologist, so maybe that's exactly what happens when 900 years you reach.
You forget Dooku was Yoda's apprentice when he was just a padawn. He's very aware of his former masters abilities, and though he's a skilled duelist, he knows he cannot overtake Yoda in one-on-one combat, and is eventually forced to pull that telescope thing onto Obi-Wan so he can escape.

I've never heard of Yoda using the floating lightsaber technique; that is something that can be done with the force but seems to be incredibly rare and difficult. Darth Traya used 3 floating lightsabers in conjunction with eachother, so it may be an ability rooted in the dark side.

If you want to read about Yoda and Dooku's relationship I highly recommend Yoda: Dark Rendezvous. And that's not even the best Clone Wars novel!

I haven’t watched it, and have tried to avoid yucking anyone’s yum, but that’s exactly the vibe I get from The Look of Boba Fett Without his Helmet.
Yes. I feel like you and I are in frequent agreement regarding the new Star Wars "things"... So far, I don't think you're missing anything.
Yep. Another example in the long line of Star Wars fundamentally misunderstanding everything that makes their own characters unique and interesting.
My viewpoint is that the books and EU material is whats needed to make Star Wars truly shine. You can say that's a fault of the movies for not being standalone but I think it just lends itself as a gateway to some spectacular sci-fi novels and comics that really flesh out the entire universe.
Really enjoyed the 2nd episode of Boba. I enjoy them fleshing out a world that was just a small portion of the original trilogy. Similar to making an entire solid movie off a line in the opening crawl of A New Hope.
The "first episode" should have been a double feature of the first and second episode, as the second was far better than the first.
Still not feeling Boba.
Loved the background on the Tusken Raiders. But I can't find myself invested in Boba Fett as a character. For as much as he was the (Patton Oswalt Voice) Feared Bounty Hunter, he's not particularly fearsome yet. For the assassin who was ready to die by the sword, why would he suddenly change his mind when he's dropped in the Rancor pit, he was going to die either way. And the train battle, it went on for ever, but the Tusken tribe was right there when it crashed? The callbacks are cool to an extent, but I fear they may overshadow the show.
Still not feeling Boba.
Loved the background on the Tusken Raiders. But I can't find myself invested in Boba Fett as a character. For as much as he was the (Patton Oswalt Voice) Feared Bounty Hunter, he's not particularly fearsome yet. For the assassin who was ready to die by the sword, why would he suddenly change his mind when he's dropped in the Rancor pit, he was going to die either way. And the train battle, it went on for ever, but the Tusken tribe was right there when it crashed? The callbacks are cool to an extent, but I fear they may overshadow the show.
I wasnt feeling it either. The first episode was kinda terrible. 2nd episode was better. Felt like they were struggling with the plot so they just threw in a random fight scene. And all those donkey sound effects! Lol
It’s better than the first two, but then it didn’t send me to sleep so low bars to vault and that. It was decent and stuff seemed to happen but I wouldn’t go throwing all the superlatives about either.
was it as good as Mark in the Mando finale ?

No offence to Mark, but I'll get more excited over DANNY MOTHERFUCKING TREJO any and every time! ;)

Definitely nowhere near as big a plot point as Mark was in the Mando but I enjoyed it immensely, nevertheless!