Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Does anyone have any insight on the quality of that Frank Derrick pressing? I was interested in it when they first put it in the store but it sold out pretty quick. Listening to it on YouTube and I dig it.
I have it and its really great. I kind of went in blind after listening to 1 track on youtube and was really blown away, incredible music.
I always thought it was crazy that they sold speakers and stuff with free international shipping.

I bought my Kanto YU6 bookshelf speakers (which I love) from VMP and got them cheaper than the going rate here in the UK, in matte black (which was the colour I wanted but wasn't available in the UK at the time) with free shipping. The box weighted loads so it must of set them back a bit in postage.
I always thought it was crazy that they sold speakers and stuff with free international shipping.

I bought my Kanto YU6 bookshelf speakers (which I love) from VMP and got them cheaper than the going rate here in the UK, in matte black (which was the colour I wanted but wasn't available in the UK at the time) with free shipping. The box weighted loads so it must of set them back a bit in postage.
Surprised they did not send them in individual boxes
I know there was a series of low-stock warnings, but . . . I'm having non-buyer's remorse about VMP's recent re-issue of MMW's "Uninvisible." Please let me know if you learn of a copy priced in reasonable range of $55 retail (the $150 copy on Discogs isn't in that range). I've signed up for email in case VMP has any other copies to list, but I'm new to VMP and don't know whether that ever happens. Uninvisible
I know there was a series of low-stock warnings, but . . . I'm having non-buyer's remorse about VMP's recent re-issue of MMW's "Uninvisible." Please let me know if you learn of a copy priced in reasonable range of $55 retail (the $150 copy on Discogs isn't in that range). I've signed up for email in case VMP has any other copies to list, but I'm new to VMP and don't know whether that ever happens. Uninvisible

You might have to wait a few months, but I could see it popping back up in a future Throwback Thursday release like the one VMP had today. VMP seems to be doing these on the third Thursday of the month with a 12 p.m. Eastern drop time which is how I correctly predicted there'd be one today. Maybe set a few alarms for the months ahead. And be sure you're logged in ready to pull that trigger 'cuz I could see it disappearing as fast as Sonny Sharrock did today.
Ah thanks Nathan! I miss our daft conversations from the old days because you just hide away in these VMP threads! I’m only back around here because of a brief, and very disappointing, resub for the Mars Volta rice crispies record!
I miss our conversations too! Hopefully next time I’m in the Needles&Grooves JQBX, I see you in there!

I can only afford little records nowadays. As a result, I only purchase VMP exclusives with on average, two non-VMP records (Blue Note Tone Poet series / Acoustic Sounds series). Therefore, I only stay in the VMP threads and don’t go on the Audiophile thread or other related non-VMP threads!

Also, my car got towed away this morning so I am going to have to even try and make more money and the Blue Note Classics Series pressing I was planning on purchasing soon are going to have to stay on hold as my fine is just over $550! 😔
$550?! Nathan - What kind of fine is that? Excessive speeding? 50 parking tickets? Or are Aussies just severe in their fines?
Make it $632! I parked my car in front of my apartment because I didn’t want the food to get cold (lol I’m such a fat slut) and I forgot to move my car because I got drunk and it was in a clear-away/tow away zone and it got towed!!!!! $450 to release my car and $182 for the council fine! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Make it $632! I parked my car in front of my apartment because I didn’t want the food to get cold (lol I’m such a fat slut) and I forgot to move my car because I got drunk and it was in a clear-away/tow away zone and it got towed!!!!! $450 to release my car and $182 for the council fine! 🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️
Sorry for the loss of $$$ but this is some funny shit.