Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Well considering my 3 year old dryer died and my projector bulb exploded and my dog needed to go to the vet it's been a week where money is flying out the damn window so WHY STOP NOW HAHAHAHAFACK

sure when you’ve spent that much what is a mere $50 more...

•Posted by

Official VMP Employee
17 minutes ago


Some of you noticed this already, but our store team just put up a bunch of previously sold out exclusives as we've been doing a thorough inventory on what we *actually* have in the warehouse. Most of these titles have under 15 copies available, and some much less. But..there's a mix of Classics (Max Roach, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters), exclusives (Solange, Clairo), RHH (Badu) and more if you head to the store now.

•Posted by

Official VMP Employee
17 minutes ago


Some of you noticed this already, but our store team just put up a bunch of previously sold out exclusives as we've been doing a thorough inventory on what we *actually* have in the warehouse. Most of these titles have under 15 copies available, and some much less. But..there's a mix of Classics (Max Roach, Buddy Guy, Muddy Waters), exclusives (Solange, Clairo), RHH (Badu) and more if you head to the store now.
Glad to see they are "quick" with communicating on their "official" platform.
its funny just yesterday i was think of which albums would reappear for black friday. FJM and de la soul were the first that came to mind