Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I plan to order my records by genre and then by sub-genre, era or country. I'll probably have my rock section ordered by era, my jazz section by sub-genres and countrizs (classics, uk jazz, belgian jazz, japanese jazz, spritual jazz, etc..) and my world music section by country or region. Right now half my records are ordered by genre in Kallaxs, other half is ordered alphabetically in boxes
Kinda like how Henry Rollins has a Vinyl Assistant who helps with his processing and archiving of his collection.

I’d get fired from that job for pilfering..

.honest never had that , or that , your clearly losing it due to excessive exposure to loud volume levels
I do band name/surname, chronologically, with occasional deviations for one-offs/side projects I might not remember to pull out if they weren't adjacent to the main artist/band. I have a large pop/rock section and sub-sections for jazz, "world," and R&B/blues/soul. It's not a perfect system, but I can almost always find everything most of the time.
The amount of people trying to flip that Dashboard album on eBay is comical, I wonder if anybody actually bought it for themselves