Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

My organisation is usually either by year, or when the vinyl was released within a particular series/campaign!

I’ve got a Kallax for the Classics track. It’s organised according to when the classics ROTM was released by VMP. So Archie Shepp is first! This is the same for the Essentials and Rap & Hip-Hop ROTM’s too!

I’ve got a Kallax just for Analogue Productions pressing. That’s organised by year. Same goes for the Speakers Corner (they’re all grouped together)! Tone Poet Blue Note is organised according to which Tone Poet title was released first! So Chick Corea is at the start!

Sam Records is the same like Tone Poet! It’s which title was released first by Sam Records!

For all VMP store exclusives, I’ve got 4 different categories; indie, R&B/Hip-Hop, world music & Jazz/soul/funk! I organise all of them according to the year the album was released (unlike the ROTM’s which are organised according to when VMP released the ROTM!).

But the VMP rising titles has its own Kallax square too! That’s also done according to when VMP released the Rising ROTM. Gang Of Youths is at the start and Jaunt will be

Then I’ve organised non-VMP records for indie/pop/rock by year (from the year 1984) (3 Kallax box’s), non-VMP Hip-Hop/R&B, from 1986 - (3 Kallax box’s). I put a lot of artists together though, so it’s not all perfectly flowing by the year.

For MoFi, I just put all the Miles Davis pressings in order according to year, then just add every other MoFi title according to year after Miles Davis!

The MoFi One-Steps are done according to when MoFi released the pressing of the title!

Like mine is a bit all over the place, but I know where everything is and its so easy for me to navigate! I love it!

And I’ve even got a crate for all the records that are compilations, like LateNightTales, and world music compilations + other shit like the MF DOOM herbs instrumentals series etc! I freaking love it!

I’ve got the coolest room! I love it, it’s so colourful, charming, music orientated, inviting and cozy! I love it so much! ♥♥♥

Which kallax do you keep your country/folk/bluegrass in??
The Dolly Parton VMP exclusive is with the indie VMP exclusives. The Loretta Lynn ROTM is with the other Essentials ROTM’s and the Willie Nelson is an AP title, so it will be with the Analogue Productions pressings! 👏👏👏
You know what, I don't hate this. I mean don't get me wrong, it's sheer madness but I kinda like it. The idea of having to remember who pressed something in order to find it within a 700+ collection is pure insanity but it's an insanity I can get behind. It's way better than that asinine Discogs order which is absolutely the worst thing in the entire world don't @ me.
I’m going to ask them if there’s any way I can have the VMP exclusive for Freddie Gibbs x The Alchemist’s Alfredo instead! I’m going to be like “pretty please, I’ll do anything for it 🐣🙈”! And maybe they might give it to baby monster because I’m a VMP champion! 🐒🙊😉
We're really sorry. Pinata wasn't supposed to be in Swaps this month. And we're definitely not going to give you a copy Alfredo at only a $12 markup. You kiddin me? However, we've talked it over here in the office, and we've found a special copy of Torres - Sprinter to send you because we figured you'll be happy with damn near anything of ours these days.

You know what, I don't hate this. I mean don't get me wrong, it's sheer madness but I kinda like it. The idea of having to remember who pressed something in order to find it within a 700+ collection is pure insanity but it's an insanity I can get behind. It's way better than that asinine Discogs order which is absolutely the worst thing in the entire world don't @ me.
I’ve got a very strong memory, so I guess this way works really nicely for me! I’ve got one Al Green title in the VMP classics Kallax square, one Al Green title in the VMP store exclusives funk/soul/jazz square, one in the Speakers Corner square, and one in the general square (older titles that are just a standard pressing/reissue, nothing special). So although I’ve got 4 completely different spots for Al Green, I know exactly where they all are and would get to each one quickly and easily 🙂
I’ve got a very strong memory, so I guess this way works really nicely for me! I’ve got one Al Green title in the VMP classics Kallax square, one Al Green title in the VMP store exclusives funk/soul/jazz square, one in the Speakers Corner square, and one in the general square (older titles that are just a standard pressing/reissue, nothing special). So although I’ve got 4 completely different spots for Al Green, I know exactly where they all are and would get to each one quickly and easily 🙂
Omg, maybe I can do a RSD Kallax square @Mather and put Al Green’s Greens is Blues in there, so then I got 5 different spots for Al Green! 😂
I’ve got a very strong memory, so I guess this way works really nicely for me! I’ve got one Al Green title in the VMP classics Kallax square, one Al Green title in the VMP store exclusives funk/soul/jazz square, one in the Speakers Corner square, and one in the general square (older titles that are just a standard pressing/reissue, nothing special). So although I’ve got 4 completely different spots for Al Green, I know exactly where they all are and would get to each one quickly and easily 🙂
Omg, maybe I can do a RSD Kallax square @Mather and put Al Green’s Green is Blue in there, so then I got 5 different spots for Al Green! 😂

It's glorious. If this isn't the perfect example of the entire obsessive collector mentality I don't know what is. Completely unabashedly bonkers.


The reasoning is also bonkers.
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Meanwhile I was driving myself crazy over whether I should organize them alphabetically within a Pre-1990’s section and a Post-1990’s section. Can’t imagine myself pinballing around the room 5 different directions lookin for that damn Al Green album I wanna listen to 😂😂😂. Never change Nathan you wild and whacky man.
Meanwhile I was driving myself crazy over whether I should organize them alphabetically within a Pre-1990’s section and a Post-1990’s section. Can’t imagine myself pinballing around the room 5 different directions lookin for that damn Al Green album I wanna listen to 😂😂😂. Never change Nathan you wild and whacky man.
I've never met Nathan, but I can tell you that "pinballing around the room" is pretty much the state in which I imagine he spends 90% of his time.
Anyone else can describe their organization in one word: Alphabetical

You need multiple paragraphs.

Alphabetical doesn’t work very well for vinyl IMO. I have lots of old pressings with very thin spines, and they can easily get lost in the shuffle when you’re just looking through the shelves and the alphabet just happens to “hide” them between artists that I have multiple records of.

I like @NathanRicaud’s ultrapersonalized system. It’d never work for me, but it only needs to work for him. I have my own bonkers organizational system (I guess you could call it chronological with an emphasis on genre/artist association... I’d need a few paragraphs to explain and have already done so in other corners of this forum). I’ll die on this hill.
It's glorious. If this isn't the perfect example of the entire obsessive collector mentality I don't know what is. Completely unabashedly bonkers.


The reasoning is also bonkers.

We don't all have it as easy as you!

One 4x4 kallax for warped records and a 1x2 for everything else!!

Quit showing off!
The bigger my collection get the more I appreciate it being organized to align with Discogs. If I can find it in my Discogs I can find it on my record shelf.
Except when you figure out that discogs randomly deletes albums in your collection without warning. Which it does.

Except when you figure out that discogs randomly deletes albums in your collection without warning. Which it does.

Most of the time my issue is I just forgot to add it to Discogs for one reason or another. Then when I find it again It almost feels like I got a new album. Fun surprise.
Except when you figure out that discogs randomly deletes albums in your collection without warning. Which it does.

I can't believe they haven't fixed this yet, but if your collection is sorted in discogs order, it's pretty easy to go through it and see which ones it dropped. I do this a couple times a year.
Anyone else can describe their organization in one word: Alphabetical

You need multiple paragraphs.

Alphabetical - then chronological, so you organised ABBA before ABC, and your ABBA records go in order of release. Until you fill your Kalax and you have this happening over two floors, the downstairs containing your most spun/highly prized records. This could be a problem for someone.

Except when you figure out that discogs randomly deletes albums in your collection without warning. Which it does.


It has done this to me multiple times. ‘I know I bought Santana’s debut’ and thankfully it hasn’t resulted in a duplicate purchase. Man beats machine.