Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I will take their absurdity over my laziness and ineptitude any day. Chain me up!
My records are organized by how much I like the artist. Fave artists go near the top. Randos go near the bottom. If I have trouble finding something then it’s a signal that their place in the hierarchy needs to be re-evaluated.

But I only have like 450-ish records so it’s rare to spend more than 20 seconds trying to find something.
Mine are alphabetical within genres (rock, jazz, soul & funk, latin, blues ,electronic, french, soundtrack, reggae, country and world).
Like a normal thinking person does ;)
Genres (that make sense to me), then alphabetical by artist/band last name. Within the artist it is studio albums in chronological recording order (Blue Note really messes with this), then live albums in concert date order, followed by compilations in date order.
Mine are alphabetical within genres (rock, jazz, soul & funk, latin, blues ,electronic, french, soundtrack, reggae, country and world).
But then you end up with KGATLW (amongst others) spread out under different genres, either that or you make exceptions based on artists and if you make exceptions then what’s the point n separating by genres to begin.
But then you end up with KGATLW (amongst others) spread out under different genres, either that or you make exceptions based on artists and if you make exceptions then what’s the point n separating by genres to begin.

It's true, I make exceptions when needed. But I make my own rules because it's my house and not a library, so no problem.

(To be clear, I make no judgement about how others classify)