Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Picking a new album as essential is always gonna be a gamble. Its either gonna be on the ball or the opposite of this title.

From what I have heard I don't think this is an essential pick....for me. I was more of a fan of what SK did but I think it was because the sound was more appealing to me. SK but with Annie Clark producing it does not appeal to me in the slightest after Masseduction. Didn't enjoy that album at all.

I'm glad some of you want this though. It would be much worse if this was a dud in a wide sense. Color is boring. The one they have on their website is much more appropriate and for 11 dollars more you get a shirt and a poster which seems more worth it to me.
It was early days and VMP was still a lot more about community and whatnot, so I think they were listening through rose-colored headphones
Kinda like the Big Smoke exclusive. Was it Great Music? No. But the story was good, the mission was good, the idea that experiencing music together can introduce us to something new *and* help to lift someone up was good. That was back when “telling the story of an album” actually meant more than running some blurbs from an interview and a press kit. If they ever get serious about making a more “intentional” community again they should look at some of the groundwork they laid with those albums. They’re not the ones that are gonna sell 30k copies, but they’re the ones that will make people feel like they’re involved in more than a lifestyle brand.
i dont know if that was even storf

it seems to be something that sleater kinney talked about.
It’s a direct quote from his reddit posts earlier today. I think we know what he likely was trying to get at, that voices from women of a certain age aren’t likely to top the charts and they’re still worth hearing, but he said it sort of inartfully.
What was the deal with Tennis btw? I've heard some people took issue with that one but it was before I joined
It sucked
I think @Teeeee mentioned that someone compared it to Rumours (though that may have been another ROTM), which isn't a comparison i'd make lightly
I actually really enjoyed that album. Did I think it deserved an AOTM nod? Nah. That was the issue I remember many taking with it.

Forgive me if I am not remembering this correctly, but a few years back I seem to remember VMP sending out a survey of albums that we would hope for as AOTM's. I very, very clearly remember one of them was a Rilo Kiley album (Execution Of All Things, perhaps?).

Hear me out: that Tennis album was their way of saying "we tried."

A good album? Yes, but maybe 7/10. A tiny bit underwhelming, especially if you have already heard Rumours, Rilo Kiley, or the second Best Coast album, all of which that album blaringly reminded me of.
Forgive me if I am not remembering this correctly, but a few years back I seem to remember VMP sending out a survey of albums that we would hope for as AOTM's. I very, very clearly remember one of them was a Rilo Kiley album (Execution Of All Things, perhaps?).

Hear me out: that Tennis album was their way of saying "we tried."

A good album? Yes, but maybe 7/10. A tiny bit underwhelming, especially if you have already heard Rumours, Rilo Kiley, or the second Best Coast album, all of which that album blaringly reminded me of.
i also remember it was chosen instead of hurray for the riff raff which angered which wasn't a help
Didn’t see if anyone caught this earlier in the thread, but according to Storf Reddit AMA, next month Essentials ROTM “fits broadly under Psych Rock.”
Already gonna guess that it’s gonna be The Soft Bulletin by The Flaming Lips, something that’s been teased about by them for a while that I REALLY want, especially since next month is my birth month and that would make such a great birthday present!

Edit: Meant September was my birth month WHOOPS
Forgive me if I am not remembering this correctly, but a few years back I seem to remember VMP sending out a survey of albums that we would hope for as AOTM's. I very, very clearly remember one of them was a Rilo Kiley album (Execution Of All Things, perhaps?).

Hear me out: that Tennis album was their way of saying "we tried."

A good album? Yes, but maybe 7/10. A tiny bit underwhelming, especially if you have already heard Rumours, Rilo Kiley, or the second Best Coast album, all of which that album blaringly reminded me of.
VMP also ranked it as like the 19th best album of that year on their year end list. Essentials shouldn't be the 19th best album of any year.
Didn’t see if anyone caught this earlier in the thread, but according to Storf Reddit AMA, next month Essentials ROTM “fits broadly under Psych Rock.”


Curved Air would be great! Jefferson Airplane would be great! Twink would be great! Something in that realm, please!
Didn’t see if anyone caught this earlier in the thread, but according to Storf Reddit AMA, next month Essentials ROTM “fits broadly under Psych Rock.”
Lol, not sure how much that means since the EU record is Go-go and Oriental Jazz is free jazz. Might be right this time though!
(i dunno about go-go so i can't say anything about EU but i was definitely bugged with Oriental Jazz not being that free) the fact that it "broadly" fits makes me unsure about it being that much psych.. maybe it will just be kinda psychedelic but besides that not much... or maybe it is flaming lips and i will go crazy
(i dunno about go-go so i can't say anything about EU but i was definitely bugged with Oriental Jazz not being that free) the fact that it "broadly" fits makes me unsure about it being that much psych.. maybe it will just be kinda psychedelic but besides that not much... or maybe it is flaming lips and i will go crazy
Yeah I hope it is really any kind of psych rock, it is quite a broad genre

Anything Transmissions - Yoshimi Flaming Lips would be awesome, I only have Soft Bulletin.
I love it. It's probably my most listened-to ROTM, including streaming and vinyl spins.

"Best" is too subjective in general, but I'd put Blessed Feathers on the bottom of the New Release ROTMs, and pretty low in the overall rankings.

And Tapestry! I think what he said was that he'd consider it a staple of his Sunday morning stack, alongside Rumors and Tapestry but... honestly, it did them no favors. Why invite comparisons to 2 enduring classics? So stupid.

It bums me out a little bit that you hate this album, because I love it so much, hahaha. But I totally get how their obnoxious hyperbole drove you crazy on this one.
Blessed feathers was a great feel good story for vmp. The music is fine. (Trademark: @gouis )

I do think I'd probably like it. But the way they presented it to us was shameful. The country was reeling from it's descent into hatred. And vmp gives us an album about people that took a boat ride and wrote a ship's log. (Oversimplification is overly simple). Nah, white dude gatekeepers, go away with that.