Vinyl Me Please Essentials

Aretha is here.

Just upon first look. the cover is grainy as hell compared to the original.
Bummer. At their price point, there is really no excuse for how frequently VMP screws up covers. I've never heard of any other reputable reissue company scanning in ringwear, for instance. Low res or weird colors aren't unique to them, but you expect it at a lower price and less frequently. Really seems backwards that they throw a bunch of money at glossy stoughton tip-ons with a sub par image source.

VMP_BoxerArt_Digital_Signature.jpg his hand covered in blood? Or chocolate syrup? I'm not sure which I'd find less bizarre...
Of all the terrible art prints I received, that one was definitely the worst.

honestly it was one of my favorites right up until this most recent repost when I actually gave it a closer look, and now it looks like little more than some college freshman's Beginning Photography final project. You know, when people think it's genius to use random props without any purpose just to be provocative.

(for the record I was once a freshman beginning photo student who 100% would have taken this exact photo and strutted into my critique like I was the next Richard Avedon)