Vinyl Me Please Essentials

These geographical discrepancies are funny. Eels had zero presence in Brazil, whereas Cake had several songs in high rotation on mainstream radio/MTV ("Never There," "Short Skirt, Long Jacket," etc.). So basically we're all right and also all wrong.
Apparently Cake charted in the UK too, Joe just doesn't remember, so it doesn't count!
I recall more than a handful of their songs being heard on the radio... again, at least here in California. 🤷‍♂️

Never There and Short Skirt and Long Jacket were both also received minor radio airplay (both are also great tunes). I enjoy cake. They are a fun alternative rock band. Most will likely consider them a one hit wonder but that doesn’t mean they weren’t more popular than just their hits. Quality and dumb comps aside; My mom could name a Cake Song I doubt she could name a Gorillaz tune (not that my 62 year old mother is really the target demo for VMP) point being Cake would be popular pick that makes sense. If it end up the October selection and you ain’t feeling it that’s cool there will be plenty of copies of UFO left to swap out with.

EDIT: Sorry, this isn’t really addressed to @forkandspoon as I think we are on the same page. It more meant as a response to @Jango ’s crack about “only two hits”
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I had a look through their albums. Only one charted at the heights of 53!

And two singles in the top 30 one of which was a cover of I Will Survive, such a terrible memory not remembering that!

The Eels on the other hand, 4 top 10 albums and another 4 in the top 20. Also 2 top 10 singles. Again I wasn’t really wrong...
Not to mention the theme song for this board:

This is the only Cake song I’d hear on the radio that I did not eventually get sick of. They’re decent although I’d never want them on vinyl.
The only thing I know about Eels (and I think this is the right band) is that Steve Perry of Journey sang at a couple of shows with them a few years ago. It was Steve's first time performing since the 90s, so it was a big deal.
This was my first time hearing about Eels too. Pretty sure it happened here in Minnesota, as I remember the local station 89.3 The Current being overly excited about it.