Vinyl Me Please Essentials

I could not pick a Cake song out of a line up.
Good rule of thumb:

= Cake
I don’t particularly like Cake. I also hear Short Skirt/Long Jacket damn near every time I turn on the “alternative” station in Fort Collins and I can go without hearing that song for a few years. Also, our cross country team in high school that my brother was on was obsessed with The Distance (naturally) so that song is slightly ruined too haha!
This is the only Cake song I’d hear on the radio that I did not eventually get sick of. They’re decent although I’d never want them on vinyl.

This was my first time hearing about Eels too. Pretty sure it happened here in Minnesota, as I remember the local station 89.3 The Current being overly excited about it.
You wanna a fascinating backstory forget Jim Sullivan read up the the Eels lead singer E (Mark Everett) life story. Spoiler: it’s super depressing.
I could not pick a Cake song out of a line up. I always confused them with Cracker.

While not a big Eels fan, they definitely were on my early 20s indie rock radar a heck of a lot more than Cake. Interesting regional differences
If you've ever heard one Cake song you could easily recognize any other Cake sound. They definitely have a sound.