Vinyl Me Please Anthology

I can't handle this banter

Do you guys think they figured nobody would notice they used the wrong art? Like I definitely wouldn't have noticed... but did they really think in a hobby like vinyl, especially JAZZ reissues, nobody would notice?

Why don't companies do smart and be honest?

Money I guess.
I can't handle this banter
Idk that anyone wants to talk to them. What I assume and hope is happening now is that VMP is conferring with Blue Note and someone at Blue Note is going "wow, how the fuck was this response not seen coming from 100 miles away? Did we really sign off on this art? Get me the name of who's responsible."
Yes this, or VMP passed the buck on the art to BlueNote and BlueNote caught wind of this and went EXCUSE ME??
Or they’re like “ did sell out immediately, right? Live and learn!”
i just dont want anger and to make a big record company think we are a bunch of elitist assholes

I spent $230 on 6 records I could've streamed for free. I'm pretty sure that makes me an elitist asshole.

And the big record company knows that too. Why do you think they charge us so much (and get away with it)?