Vinyl Me Please Anthology

That said, their slow reveal prob just got blown

Thinking i'm most likely going to cancel my pre-order then. But think about how brilliantly Rough Trades blew up their spot. Not only will they get the ppl who passed on the set who came across it. But those who pre-ordered will be pissed and will be convinced to pre-order from them since the link is there. Brilliant. Heck, i'm thinking of cancelling and picking up Ghostly + Shigeto from them.
That said, their slow reveal prob just got blown
All this is shitty. But the silver lining is that you got a follow from Ghostly and therefor, are our new Ghostly representative. Congrats and here is some cake for you.....

It'll just cost 250$ and come in 6 flavors that are widely available but the frosting is different. Cheers.
Thinking i'm most likely going to cancel my pre-order then. But think about how brilliantly Rough Trades blew up their spot. Not only will they get the ppl who passed on the set who came across it. But those who pre-ordered will be pissed and will be convinced to pre-order from them since the link is there. Brilliant. Heck, i'm thinking of cancelling and picking up Ghostly + Shigeto from them.
A quick googling confirms that Bull Moose is selling these as well, if that's more anyone's flavor.
Thinking i'm most likely going to cancel my pre-order then. But think about how brilliantly Rough Trades blew up their spot. Not only will they get the ppl who passed on the set who came across it. But those who pre-ordered will be pissed and will be convinced to pre-order from them since the link is there. Brilliant. Heck, i'm thinking of cancelling and picking up Ghostly + Shigeto from them.

I'm on the fence. I really like the anthology stuff. I legitimately enjoy it and would've been fine if they had been straightforward about the box. I want to be a completionist about the anthologies for some reason.

But now I'm thinking I might cancel and just pick up a few that interest me and wait for antho 4... coming in like a month.

I don't know. I'm disappointed. Was it dumb to think they were exclusive?
I'm on the fence. I really like the anthology stuff. I legitimately enjoy it and would've been fine if they had been straightforward about the box. I want to be a completionist about the anthologies for some reason.

But now I'm thinking I might cancel and just pick up a few that interest me and wait for antho 4... coming in like a month.

I don't know. I'm disappointed. Was it dumb to think they were exclusive?

Not dumb at all, I think they played it off like that because that's what I expected as well.

I'm cool with extras and all that but in the end - all that really matters are the records. I was thinking of keeping the box as well as I'm a fan of Ghostly and would like to support them - but if they're not straightforward about the product we're getting, why support that behavior. I'm still a fan but this puts a bad taste in my mouth for sure.

edit side note: I kinda understand when others are saying they don't like the idea of the Anthology. Probably for reasons like this. Not that I'm saying anything about your choice of collecting them of course @botherly - you do what you enjoy.
I'm on the fence. I really like the anthology stuff. I legitimately enjoy it and would've been fine if they had been straightforward about the box. I want to be a completionist about the anthologies for some reason.

But now I'm thinking I might cancel and just pick up a few that interest me and wait for antho 4... coming in like a month.

I don't know. I'm disappointed. Was it dumb to think they were exclusive?
I'm still on the fence as well, leaning towards cancelling. Meanwhile, reddit has linked to Ghostly's response to my tweet as confirmation that this is basically a variant box... lol. I feel a little bad because I like the label.

Another funny thing is that the slow reveal was sold as a perk, but what it basically amounts to is getting most of the albums in the box a week or two after street date of the standard releases. Awesome perk.

edit: I guess this isn't actually true... the description says the box ships with all six albums, but they are put in episodic secrecy sleeves so you can open them on the suggested schedule, based on the release of AMAs and podcasts....they didn't do this with the other anthologies, did they?
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First Anthology was separate shipments for each episode and was a mess. Motown was all albums shipped together with the episodes in the secrecy sleeves. Makes a lot more sense and you only adhere to that if you wish to. It's just a outer cover that you tear off to reveal the albums inside. It was an enjoyable way to do the Motown set, even though the titles were pretty much known.

I don't really care about the standard black versions being offered in addition. I like the box set so I'll stick with it. I like vinyl variants. Vinyl spending is my only real vice as an adult so paying more to not get standard black is fine with me.
I knew this Ghostly International Anthology Box wouldn’t interest me at all. And I also had a feeling it wouldn’t be anything special! 🙅‍♂️

I’m just so keen to know what Anthology Series 4 is! Fingers crossed it’s soul/jazz or funk/disco or rap/hip-hop box! Still hoping it’s Stax 🤞
Not dumb at all, I think they played it off like that because that's what I expected as well.

I'm cool with extras and all that but in the end - all that really matters are the records. I was thinking of keeping the box as well as I'm a fan of Ghostly and would like to support them - but if they're not straightforward about the product we're getting, why support that behavior. I'm still a fan but this puts a bad taste in my mouth for sure.

edit side note: I kinda understand when others are saying they don't like the idea of the Anthology. Probably for reasons like this. Not that I'm saying anything about your choice of collecting them of course @botherly - you do what you enjoy.

VMP can be a hard (very hard) company to love. Having a nice box and limited color variants is worth a bit extra. A lot of reissue box sets are sold this way. Why hide the fact that lps are being newly reissued in other variants? Much better to be up front from the start about what is in the box and then up-sell the features that make ur version special. Still it looks nice. Maybe Ghostly should have done their own box and cut out the middleman. :).

Lots of awesome electronic music coming out lately. WXAXRXP Box set Ships next month.
also besides the albums i already knew were coming out, the rest i dunno about (the willits and sakamoto seems great and i'll buy that on black vinyl. but the others were no gos for me)
Maybe vmps marketing department is suffering from FONSO?
Fear of not selling out

But seriously, it's sad. For a long time i tusted vmp and storf, also with their Announcements. After qotsa and this it is pretty obvious that while not outright lying, they will leave out any details that would calm fomo of potential buyers. So from now on if the window of exclusivity for releases is not marketed i will just assume there is none.
Maybe vmps marketing department is suffering from FONSO?
Fear of not selling out

But seriously, it's sad. For a long time i tusted vmp and storf, also with their Announcements. After qotsa and this it is pretty obvious that while not outright lying, they will leave out any details that would calm fomo of potential buyers. So from now on if the window of exclusivity for releases is not marketed i will just assume there is none.

What's the issue with the QOTSA vinyl? Isn't the VMP edition cheaper than what's in the store?
What's the issue with the QOTSA vinyl? Isn't the VMP edition cheaper than what's in the store?
He/she is saying that VMP are intentionally leaving out details of other pressings to get you to FOMO into their product. They aren't technically lying, but they aren't telling you the whole story, because in all fairness, they have no obligation to. With QOTSA in particular, they basically said hey we have this limited exclusive pressing, if you want it, sign up now. It's widely available now and I guess for some reason people are mad that they could have gotten it somewhere else without signing up for 3 months of VMP? I'm not really sure.

Personally, I don't have a problem with this. They are in no way obligated to tell me what another company or an artist/group is going to produce when, or where, or in what quantities. They likely aren't even at liberty to say even if they do know. VMP have a product to sell and it was surely not easy to get this album to production to begin with. I'm sure they want to sell you their version. The only issue I could see is that they forced people into 3 month memberships.... but even in that scenario, you can see their entire back catalog for swaps, and they told you the 3 ROTM's ahead of time.
What's the issue with the QOTSA vinyl? Isn't the VMP edition cheaper than what's in the store?

I don´t have any problem with the qotsa they are selling, same with the ghostly international box. You get what they advertised for, but in both cases they ( intentionally) hyped up the Releases beeing out of print or never on Vinyl for Long times without mentioning that theirs was only a Colour Version of a widely available repress. In the qotsa case they even go changed their usual way of rotms and announced a month only to get people into signing up for three months before they would find out that they had other choices to get the album. obviously they don´t trust their own product enough anymore to expect to sell on the merit of the product against the alternative pressings.

He/she is saying that VMP are intentionally leaving out details of other pressings to get you to FOMO into their product. They aren't technically lying, but they aren't telling you the whole story, because in all fairness, they have no obligation to. With QOTSA in particular, they basically said hey we have this limited exclusive pressing, if you want it, sign up now. It's widely available now and I guess for some reason people are mad that they could have gotten it somewhere else without signing up for 3 months of VMP? I'm not really sure.

Personally, I don't have a problem with this. They are in no way obligated to tell me what another company or an artist/group is going to produce when, or where, or in what quantities. They likely aren't even at liberty to say even if they do know. VMP have a product to sell and it was surely not easy to get this album to production to begin with. I'm sure they want to sell you their version. The only issue I could see is that they forced people into 3 month memberships.... but even in that scenario, you can see their entire back catalog for swaps, and they told you the 3 ROTM's ahead of time.

You are right, they can run their business any way they want and are not obliged to give me any other Information, but i remember that they used to run their business differently. They were more open and straightforward in thir communication before and had the community aspect stronger. A lot of us would buy things blindly on recommendations from stuff or curation. Now, for me they are just a shop and i buy from them if i can´t get the record elsewhere for cheaper.
Hey guys quiet... if they get word that you lot have blown what the albums are in the Ghostly boxset and that they are cheaper elsewhere they might get angry and close the forum.... oh right, they can’t... in which case

I wonder if the Ghostly International Anthology Box Sethas sold much or not? 🤔

If it hasn’t sold over 250 Box Set’s, then I hope VMP put the records up for sale in the VMP store! I am more interested in the non-compilation albums, like Shigeto’s “Full Circle”!

Hoping all the VMP exclusives records from the Ghostly International Box make it into the VMP Store! 🤞🤞🤞
I wonder if the Ghostly International Anthology Box Sethas sold much or not? 🤔

If it hasn’t sold over 250 Box Set’s, then I hope VMP put the records up for sale in the VMP store! I am more interested in the non-compilation albums, like Shigeto’s “Full Circle”!

Hoping all the VMP exclusives records from the Ghostly International Box make it into the VMP Store! 🤞🤞🤞

If they’re outside the box why not just pay less and buy them from a store? Surely the anthology records aren’t worth anything extra outside the box? I mean I really don’t get the appeal of the anthologies as a concept but surely outside of that as individual pieces they’re just albums and not worth the VMP premium?
If they’re outside the box why not just pay less and buy them from a store? Surely the anthology records aren’t worth anything extra outside the box? I mean I really don’t get the appeal of the anthologies as a concept but surely outside of that as individual pieces they’re just albums and not worth the VMP premium?
Mmmmmm that’s a very good point! It’s just that.......shipping costs so much! It’s $US29 for a vinyl to be shipped to Australia from Rough Trade (that’s where I can pre-order Shigeto) 😭😭😭

International shipping costs really do make VMP much more affordable for me compared to pretty much every other vinyl online store 😅