This Is Jeopardy! (Halloween Edition): The October 2023 Vinyl Spin Challenge Thread

October28This Parisian filmaker's last two full length films have plunged viewers into sharp social commentary of the expectations placed on women's bodies and sexuality, using both canibalism and auto-fetish. This album also deals with topics of gender and sexual norms.

Who is Julia Ducournau and what is David Bowie's "The Gouster" (2016 Parlophone)?
I haven't seen these films but I'm pretty sure this is the correct director. Bowie has multiple songs that deal with topics of gender and sexual norms - I decided to play The Gouster mainly for John I'm Only Dancing.

Day 20: This genre defining 1999 horror film combined form and function to achieve its effect. This lo-fi album likewise would not have the same effect on the listener had it been heavily produced.
What is The Blair Witch Project?
What is 'Hi, How Are You: The Unfinished Album' by Daniel Johnston?
Day 21: This franchise film series passed the baton to a new generation of victims led by the original killer's daughter and this album is by a band that was featured on one of their soundtracks.
What is Scream?
What is 'The Central Park Concert' by Dave Matthews Band?

Their song Help Myself was made for the Scream 2 soundtrack. Had to dig into my Cds to find a copy of that song.
Day 26

This film is named after a board game that features racist caricatures and comedically plays on the racial tropes of American horror movies that tend to focus on white people. This album features some commentary on the racial disparities in South America.

Atahualpa Yupanqui - Especial 30 Sucessos


A bit about him if any of y'all is curious:

28. This Parisian filmaker's last two full length films have plunged viewers into sharp social commentary of the expectations placed on women's bodies and sexuality, using both canibalism and auto-fetish. This album also deals with topics of gender and sexual norms.

What is Sleater-Kinney - All Hands on the Bad One?

I mean, the opening track is titled "Ballad of a Ladyman."

October26This film is named after a board game that features racist caricatures and comedically plays on the racial tropes of American horror movies that tend to focus on white people. This album features some commentary on the racial disparities in America.

What is Marvin Gaye - What's Goin' On Live?

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Day 28: This Parisian filmaker's last two full length films have plunged viewers into sharp social commentary of the expectations placed on women's bodies and sexuality, using both canibalism and auto-fetish. This album also deals with topics of gender and sexual norms.

What is “Sign O’ the Times” by Prince?

October28This Parisian filmaker's last two full length films have plunged viewers into sharp social commentary of the expectations placed on women's bodies and sexuality, using both canibalism and auto-fetish. This album also deals with topics of gender and sexual norms.

Who is Julia Ducournau (Annie Lennox -  Diva)?

Day 28

This Parisian filmaker's last two full length films have plunged viewers into sharp social commentary of the expectations placed on women's bodies and sexuality, using both canibalism and auto-fetish. This album also deals with topics of gender and sexual norms.

Hand Habits - placeholder

Day 29

This Polish muscian, who died at 37, composed a score for this famous 1968 flim, directed by a sex offender, in a genre not typically associated with horror films. This album is also in this genre.

Who is
Krzysztof Komeda. I watched Rosemary's Baby forever ago, I forgot it had a jazzy soundtrack!

Kenny Dorham - Quiet Kenny

October29This Polish muscian, who died at 37, composed a score for this famous 1968 flim, directed by a sex offender, in a genre not typically associated with horror films. This album is also in this genre.

Who is Krzysztof Komeda and what is Duke Pearson "The Phantom" (1968 Blue Note; 2020 Tone Poet)?
There are jazz elements in the soundtrack, so I went with that. Selected a jazz record from the same year,
