Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 4 - October 2019 /// Camarón de la isla - La leyenda del tiempo


First pork with plum, now eggplany with honey... what's next, pizza with pineapple!?
how does Le Leyenda Del Tiempo fit into the roses and car clue
Rosalia lyrics from Con Altura:

Pongo rosas sobre el Panamera
Pongo palmas sobre la guantanamera
Llevo a Camarón en la guantera (De la Isla)
Lo hago para mi gente y lo hago a mi manera
Haha - in the song, Rosalia is in a Panamera with roses on the dash and Camaron de la isla in the glove box (presumably not the vinyl 😂)

I'm saying it confirms Camaron (not Rosalia)

But @agutierrezb said:

So you're basing your whole reading of the clue on the assumption that Lorca is somehow related with the album/artist, right?
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