Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 24 - June 2021 // Calliope Musicals - Color/Sweat

That is only because in America, people still think their kids won't know what the "f-word" is by the time they are old enough to use the internet. The video itself is harmless lol

I was more amused by the fact that my YouTube censors things! Like I click on it and it doesn’t even go to it 😂

Edit! Oh yeah I can, joe is weak on the techonolgy...
Is it safe to come in here yet?


That bill is so strong that even if I haven’t listened to them I recognise most, if not all, of the acts. Given @bfly’s exemplary taste and tendency to pull out stuff we’ve not necessarily heard of I think it’s more likely to be someone great that’s lesser heard of and so more likely to be elsewhere.
Yea I totally think obscurity is the key here
Ok this is the first one I quoted but Lee has posted a bunch. Is he being given the clues? @gaporter
Maybe then we need to get @boojy’s stylist on the job
She is on my shit list at the moment. She changed shops and the new shop wont allow her to trim my beard yet cuz covid. I look like Castaway. The whole movie
What in the cocaine fuck are you all talking about?

My mistake that's just a dip party gone awry
Dip parties never go awry

Julia Holter - Loud City Song

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kinda excited if its this one because even though I liked aviary (thanks @GStephenH for giving me it during secret Santa).. it seemed a LOT more challenging than I probably would have preferred it to be and i hear loud city song is her best album so I'm excited