May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 1: First Album

Fleetwood Mac- Rumours

So this one should come to a shock to literally no one. But back in 2014 I decided that by the end of the year I would buy a record player and that the first album I'd buy for it would be Cage the Elephant's debut. But around that time I was falling head over heels in love with this album and band. So when I went to a flea market in my local mall and saw this for $2 it weirdly felt like fate somehow lol. I picked this up before I even got a player and I'm so happy to say it's the first album in my collection
Day One - First Record I Bought

It was a long time ago that I started aquiring vinyl, so the memories of my earliest purchases are a bit sketchy. I'd get hand-me-downs from my older sister and an aunt that was into right out of the gate I had a pretty cool small stack of records. But I distinctly remember using my own money for this one right when it came out. I've managed to keep this actual copy since then...unfortunately many other records from my earliest days of collecting disappeared as a result of moving a lot, then later on living in rental houses with lots of roommates and parties.

The Honeydrippers - Volume 1
Day 1: first record you bought

This is probably my first, or at least in the first year or two of me buying music for myself. Also the only one I have vinyl to spin. Still have the cassette, too!

Beastie Boys - Licensed to Ill

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Awesome album and totally the first album I bought as well!!! Looks like I'm going to have to get creative! I'm still telling my story about it, I've had 30+ years to get it just right and I never miss an opportunity to tell a rambling story that goes nowhere!!!

At least it'll be easier to avoid conflicts on the 31st!!!
Day 1: First record you bought
Tori Amos - Professional Widow (1996)


I've been a fan of Tori Amos since 1998, and I had a phase where I would any shit about her, including a couple of singles on vinyl, even if I didn't have a turntable then (and I wouldn't have one for another decade or so).
This one has the most awful remix ever, Armand Van Helden butchering "Professional widow" until it sounds like a bad Ace Of Base song. The MK (who?) remixes are a little better but goddamn this sound dated AF. The worst part is that it doesn't include the original "Professional widow", that it's a total mindfuck.
Day 1: I bought two albums with my own money. So they are both first. Pretty different albums too. Automatic For The People - R.E.M. It’s a pretty melancholy album for a 12 year old to be listening to but it’s one I’ve returned to at different stages of my life, particularly after bereavements. Such a good album, I’ve had it on tape, record and CD at different stages. Enjoying the chance to revisit it now.

Day 1 - First Album You Bought: First album I remember buying is Oingo Boingo - Good for Your Soul on it's release date in 1983. I can't remember the name of the store, but it was a small record shop on Ventura Boulevard in the San Fernando Valley. Oingo Boingo was the sound of my high school years, and really expanded my view of how percussion and horns could be used in a band. I also bought Queen's Bohemian Rhapsody 45 the same day.

This isn't the same album I bought that day, as my album collection got warped by being in storage over multiple moves, but I've been slowly rebuilding over the last few years and was pleased to add this one back in.

Looking forward to joining this thread this month!

Day 1: first record you bought

Japandroids - Celebration Rock

I was a recent college grad out on my own for the first time when I decided I wanted to start buying my music. I went to preorder the digital copy of this album in the pre-Spotify world and the vinyl copy was only something like $2 more. It would be a couple more years until I got a turntable to play it on.

Day 1: first record you bought

This was my first purchase waaaaaay back in 1987 or 88, I was 13 or 14 and it's still here with me.
The first vinyl record I played was my uncle's copy of Pink Floyd's "Wish you were here" but the Stones were my first purchase.
I couldn't tell you why I picked this particular Stones album, I knew who they were obviously but, I have no idea what made me pick this one up.
I could have done worse.

Day 1 - First Record You Bought

Mae - The Everglow

My wife and I had been talking about getting a record player for a little while and on our anniversary we both ended up getting each other records, not knowing the other was doing the same. We didn't have a record player yet, but my grandfather gave me his old one not too long after and here we are, 8 years later, with an upgraded system and way too many records haha.

This is a very special album to my wife and I and it turns out we got super luck to have randomly grabbed it when we did. We didn't know it, but it had just been released a week or two before and would sell out shortly after and go for $100+ for years until it was repressed a couple years ago. That repress has since sold out and now goes for $100+ too. Definitely got lucky there haha

Day 1 ~ my first

Protest the hero ~ fortress


I didn't own a turntable at the time but I knew I needed to own this, walking around the 2008 warped tour in Dallas and wondered up to this booth, saw this album and picked it up, little did I know that 12years later it would still hold such a special place in my collection
Day 1 - First record you bought

After picking up a turntable and speakers from a friend on a deal about a year and a half ago, I knew this would me a hobby that would not be cheap. Headed to the local and picked these two up. An all time fave and one of my newer favorites. Tuffy I replaced with this VMP version when it was like $10. I don't have anything else by either for day 31. Damn, guess I'll have to fix that.

I should say that my first ever purchase was when I was a kid. Went up to the military base at Ft. Lewis and bought Dirty Deeds Done Dirt Cheap and my parents picked up a Dolly Parton record. We stopped somewhere on the way back, and they (I'm blaming them) put them directly in the sun in the car. Needless to say, they were fully Mathered.

Bessie Boys - Paul's Boutique
King Tuff - The Other

Day 1 - The first record you ever bought


A long time ago in a galaxy far far away... I didn't buy this record I was gifted it because it was Star Wars and Star Wars is rad! I didn't want to repeat my actual first record BUT I'm going to tell that story!!!

Ok ok let's go back in time all the way to the 1980's, it's time to take a trip to the mall!!! There's only one store I needed to visit, the record store! I was young and flush with cash and it was time to pad out my cassette collection. Today's target, License to Ill... I walk in the store, head held high right to the B section (I'm pretty sure there wasn't a rap section yet so it was just everything in alphabetical order) and.....NOOOOOOO! Where is it? It's not here, world crashes! Panic mode, what do I do? I'll never have this much money again and I'm sure this cassette is sold out forever, oh woe is me! But whats this? A record? I don't have a record player but... Wait there is a "family" record player, its gotta be top of the line, radio, phone AND 8-track player this is going to be amazing! If I ever get a chance to play it... formalities!!! Thats when I did something that I'd do so many more times in the future, I bought a record....
Day 1: I bought two albums with my own money. So they are both first. Pretty different albums too. Automatic For The People - R.E.M. It’s a pretty melancholy album for a 12 year old to be listening to but it’s one I’ve returned to at different stages of my life, particularly after bereavements. Such a good album, I’ve had it on tape, record and CD at different stages. Enjoying the chance to revisit it now.

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And here is the album I bought the same day. Black Sabbath - Paranoid. Both great albums.

Day 1: The first record you bought: DJ Shadow - Endtroducing...

When I finally decided to buy a turntable about about a year and a half ago, there was only one possible choice for me to start my vinyl collection. I'm a child of the 80s, with a tech-savvy dad who adopted CDs pretty early, so I have no real memories of vinyl records ever being played in my house as a child, but the great turntable music and trip hop of the late 90s always made me a bit nostalgic for a medium I'd never used. Of those albums, the one that is part of that small group of albums that truly changed my life in my late teens is this masterpiece by DJ Shadow. After 20 years of listening to it on CD, I ordered this one on wax in the same order that my speakers and table came in.


Bonus: I love this bit from the documentary Scratch where Shadow talks about going through old records looking for samples is like going through a "big pile of broken dreams."

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