May 2020 Record Challenge Thread (PRIZE RAFFLE AT THE END!)

Day 1: First record I bought

Back in 2002, you could buy some pretty cool records for the price of bananas. I must’ve paid no more than R$ 5 for this (what looks like a price tag was actually just an internal store code, because Brazilians are notorious for their inefficient systems).

I was deep into collecting CDs at the time but my dad had set up a record player in my room. Problem was, I didn’t have any records and he didn’t give me express authorization to play his. Of course he also didn’t give me express authorization to look through his Playboy magazines, so I just went ahead and started going though his record collection and finding some gems. It wasn’t long before I started buying my own.

I credit my love of vinyl to the first time I spun my dad’s copy of Rush - A Farewell to Kings, but the record below is not too far behind:

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Day 2 Spoooooky
Love these guys, lead singer has an incredible pleasant voice, There’s even a saxophone solo on this album, but the lyrics are straight satanic.
Saw them open for Irom Maiden a bit ago an with 50k plus people chanting along with them to come together as one for Lucifer’s son. A part of me thought in the back of my mind what if this works and summon the Devil’s kid ? Now I’m not so sure that we didn’t .

Edit just realized that Papa Emeritus is riding on top of a giant version of my little Gremlin dude.
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Includes the smash hit, “What Ya Think ‘Bout Lickin’ My Chicken”.
Day 1..

So the first album I brought with my own money at the ripe old age of 10...and I’ve still got it! Is this one..Deadringer by Meat Loaf . 1982 in HMV Birmingham ..downstairs was the album section escorting ..pretty sure I had my first McDonald’s that day too... so it was between this and Iron Maidens “number of the beast” which turned on the fact that Meat Loaf was slightly cheaper and I had already got two of the eight tracks on “Beast” as singles ...just playing this thru and side one is great ..Elton’s guitarist, Bruce’s drummer and keyboardist..I played this album to death...

Postscript- Mick Ronson is also on this

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Day 2: We are about halfway to Halloween Play a “Spooky” Album

What’s spookier than some Hells Bells.....

This was actually the second album I brought trip ..brought somewhere in York I think

AC/DC “Back in Black” 1980 German Pressing

For years I thought side one started with Back in Black as all the song titles are jumbled up on the back sleeve

Day 1: First self purchased album

I can’t remember what my first album that I purchased. It was a tape and probably Mariah Carey’s first album.

so I’m going with the first lp I bought to start my vinyl collection. I bought this in the summer of (I think 97 or 96) at an antique store on Main Street in Mitchell, SD where my grandparents lived. I would listen to this on my parents turntable when they weren’t home along with their copy of Stevie Nicks’ Wild Heart. I became obsessed with Blondie during my first/second year of high school.

Blondie - Autoamerican
Day 1: The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club

So back in high school, I used to occasionally buy records to play on my parents equipment and this is the first album I remember getting back then. My parents only had the red and blue compilations. 1971 stereo pressing I splurged on by paying $4 for, most of the used albums back then were $1-2. Sounds pretty good still, a little crispies in the quiet parts but enjoyable.
Day 2: We are about halfway to Halloween Play a “Spooky” Album

Dio ‎– Holy Diver (Vertigo, 1983 first UK pressing)

I was going to spin 'Bobby (Boris) Pickett And The Crypt-Kickers ‎– Monster Mash' or 'The Munsters - S/T' but I thought it might be a bit too on the nose, so instead I went with 'Dio ‎– Holy Diver'. I first became aware of Dio during his cameo in the Tenacious D 'Pick Of Destiny' film (I listened to Black Sabbath but never really looked into each member, although I obviously knew of Ozzy). I went on a rabbit hole and though 'Holy Diver' was just pure rock and a killer track. Years later I found this album at a carboot and spun it a few times. Years after that @Murfocakes brought it up on the forum and I started to listen to it again. Its just pure firey rock!!

Day 2: Play a "spooky" album

Perhaps more creepy and unsettling than the cheese you might associate with spooky but something about ISAM by Amon Tobin gets under the skin. It can be an uncomfortable listen but interesting and intriguing enough to see it through. I don't play it often but it's the first thing that came to mind.

I will be gluttonous though and offer the second; Huge Samurai Radish by Raoul Sinier. Especially the track Solid Flesh (Part 2). It reminds me of some abandoned industrial entity. Like a creepy Nier Automata or the photoshopped creepy images you see online. This one I can listen to though and that track in particular has stuck with me ever since first hearing it. I was in Berlin on a trip with my University and wandered down a graffiti plastered back alley and found some secluded record store to the side. In it Solid Flesh (Pt.2) was playing and I needed (through limited German) to find out what it was. The person told me and it's stayed with me ever since.

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Day 2: It's pretty scary


The Hilarious House of Frightenstein

I'm not sure it's scary at all or all that funny but it is a throwback to my youth! I remember watching this show with my sister every day after school when I was like 5 or 6. It's hard to explain what this show was, amazing yes, educational, sure, funny, yes, scary, and in it's own way it's a show of my youth made years before I was born!

This is a "spoken word" record, it's just clips from the show with the theme song at the beginning, and that theme starts with a voiceover from Vincent Price, spooky!!
