Game of Thrones

Oh no, really? I do like Tyrion, but I still like Sansa, Arya, Brienne, Tormund, Gendry, Gilly, Sam. Pretty much #teamstark.

Sansa’s gone all littlefinger. Brienne is too worthy and spoilt even that with the whole Jamie shit. I cant make my mind up on Arya and none of the rest will be on the throne or directly involved in putting someone on the throne.
Sansa’s gone all littlefinger. Brienne is too worthy and spoilt even that with the whole Jamie shit. I cant make my mind up on Arya and none of the rest will be on the throne or directly involved in putting someone on the throne.
I hated that Brienne/Jamie ending. Effing hated it. (Anyone know if we have filters before I start in with my sailor's mouth?)

I don't really care who is on the throne anymore. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that it will be Jon, right? And Jon is perhaps the character I find to be the most overrated, most annoying.
OK. So we all know Dany will be killed. But then..... what happens to Drogon? Are we to believe he's just gonna let his mom get killed and not go Dracaryus on everyone????

Anyone believe the theory that Arya is dead and the white horse represents that?

No, Arya has become Death, riding on her pale horse. Her destiny is to kill Dany or Drogon at the very least. My money is she kills Grey Worm and steals his face. Then she kills Dany or Drogon before being taken down by the Unsullied. Arya avenges the people who cheered her father's death.

I hope the throne is destroyed and there are no more Kings and Queens of Westeros. Dany succeeds in breaking the wheel but only after her downfall. I think Jon will go back up North to live out his days as a Wildling.
I hated that Brienne/Jamie ending. Effing hated it. (Anyone know if we have filters before I start in with my sailor's mouth?)

I don't really care who is on the throne anymore. It's pretty much a foregone conclusion that it will be Jon, right? And Jon is perhaps the character I find to be the most overrated, most annoying.

Yeah and I agree. Not because of Jon, I liked bits of him good enough in the book but a bit like Brienne and Ned he’s far too worthy...

Kit Harrington though, WOODEN, I despise TV Jon...
No, Arya has become Death, riding on her pale horse. Her destiny is to kill Dany or Drogon at the very least. My money is she kills Grey Worm and steals his face. Then she kills Dany or Drogon before being taken down by the Unsullied. Arya avenges the people who cheered her father's death.

I hope the throne is destroyed and there are no more Kings and Queens of Westeros. Dany succeeds in breaking the wheel but only after her downfall. I think Jon will go back up North to live out his days as a Wildling.
I can def get behind that. How does Arya kill Drogon though? She's so little. He's so not.
I don’t think Drogon will die - He might kill everyone tho and rule himself - Destructo Dragon !
That's the part that is a big question for me. I think we all have a general idea how this ends. But how are D&D going to get themselves out of this little sticky situation of a dragon that would protect Dany to the death? It'll be a complete cop-out to the character development (lol, i realize that was abandoned last season) to have Dany killed without Drogon going ape-shit.
Did lame tv Euron ever have book Euron’s dragon controlling horn? Did that horn ever make it into the tv series? Could that maybe change things?
I think Euron was pretty much useless on the show. No horn that I remember.

I mean book Euron was a super creepy dickhead too but he had the dragon controlling horn lol. So it wasn’t transplanted into another characters story and I can remember if? If not then it’d be a bit lame to “here’s a horn that controls dragons that’ll fill a shit load of plot holes”