Do you make stuff?

Does anyone on here do tie-dye shirts? I've started experimenting, after seeing some of these insanely good ones like what I've put in my avatar. But it definitely will take some practice. The biggest problem I'm having is getting the dye to leave vibrant colors. I've done two so far and neither is great, but each has parts where the dye looks great and parts where it doesn't. Plus I'm not sure how to not get the dyes to blend. Like how the yellow pops in this one despite having dark dyes next to it. I'm having a lot of fun with it so I'll keep trying, but if anyone has any wisdom they can pass on to me I'd be grateful!

This is the one I saw online that blew me away. Not one I did. Mine are a joke compared to this genius. They put that they were trying to make the Eye of Sauron for a friend and I think they nailed it.
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My buddy does these as a side hustle. He constantly sells out and has been doing it for years now. I dont know if I'd personally pay his prices (mostly cause im not a tye dye person) but I guess people do. Although I have gotten the friend discount (aka free).

I recently watched a class on Domestika on how to do that. That’s super rad that you did that. Is that your first project with Dutch rope?
First time doing it. I am pretty impressed with the outcome. Once you get going it is pretty easy, but also easy mess up the over/under so you had to stop every couple of loops to make sure there was no mistakes