
Continuing down the A24 rabbit hole, I watched "It Comes At Night".

Annoyingly I watched the trailer and it, along with the title, really does imply there is more to this film than there actually is. Not to say that it's bad, I actually thought it was ok, but I would certainly have enjoyed it more if I wasn't waiting for what the trailer and title imply.

Hope that makes sense without spoiling it...

Things you love to see:

This is the closest best actress race we've had in a very long time
I feel like Yeoh has won the race from a PR standpoint so far. As Oscar voting is still going on, she seems ahead in the race now by a slim margin.
Caught all the Oscar-nominated animated shorts last night. Everyone: do yourself a favor and watch The Ice Merchants. Bring tissues.

Ice Merchants would be my pick to win, and I think it has a decent chance. I could also see a world where The Boy, The Mole etc wins, mainly because it has a lot of money and names behind it; but I thought it was treacle. My Year of Dicks is really imaginative, thoughtful, and fun; I'd be very happy to see it win.
Caught all the Oscar-nominated animated shorts last night. Everyone: do yourself a favor and watch The Ice Merchants. Bring tissues.

Ice Merchants would be my pick to win, and I think it has a decent chance. I could also see a world where The Boy, The Mole etc wins, mainly because it has a lot of money and names behind it; but I thought it was treacle. My Year of Dicks is really imaginative, thoughtful, and fun; I'd be very happy to see it win.
I've only seen My Year of Dicks, but really liked it.
I like this movie but it is my least favorite of the Sequels/Spin-off movies. I can't help but watch it with a sort of annoyance because a bunch of it feels like it was done just to make the small but extremely loud drop of intel freaks who threw a giant hissy fit over The Last Jedi happy. From the Emperor to Snoke being a clone to Rose barely being in it and "Merry" just showing up and given a bigger role. Luke's part*. Maz being a puppet for some reason instead of CGI. They should have started the movie with a funeral for Leia instead of using unused footage.

They should have had some balls and let Rian Johnson finish what he started. He was going somewhere interesting.

*I really dislike the Luke part in the finale of The Mandalorian. Felt like such a "please the angry nerds" bit.

I always felt sorry for Oscar Isaac. To have to utter this line with a straight face had to be the hardest acting job he's ever done.


JJ's a hack. It's telling that I have rewatched the prequels, Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi multiple times but I haven't seen this one but the one time in the theater. It's so mediocre and ham fisted that I can't even take it in. There's no joy in it. There's no logic in it. He basically remade Jedi without any of the charm of that movie.
I always felt sorry for Oscar Isaac. To have to utter this line with a straight face had to be the hardest acting job he's ever done.


JJ's a hack. It's telling that I have rewatched the prequels, Force Awakens, and The Last Jedi multiple times but I haven't seen this one but the one time in the theater. It's so mediocre and ham fisted that I can't even take it in. There's no joy in it. There's no logic in it. He basically remade Jedi without any of the charm of that movie.
A New Hope and Empire were on TNT this afternoon.
He basically remade Jedi without any of the charm of that movie.

TFA and ROS are the most soulless, unoriginal rip offs of New Hope and Return I could possibly imagine. There's so many points where plot points make absolutely no sense, all the characters are just caricatures of preexisting Star Wars stereotypes, it's just awful. To think that Disney adopted the old EU, said "No thanks, we can do better" then churned this shit out just makes my blood boil.

It's like JJ took the old scripts, deleted the proper nouns, then filled then back in like a madlib, occasionally adding in his asinine little ideas. Now I don't love TLJ either, but it feels so much truer to Star Wars in comparison.