Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Comp coverage is more of a “premium” type coverage not not legally required. Most folks carry it while their car is still being paid off or fairly new. It only covers theft in relation to the automobile though, not non-auto related items. So if you had a laptop in your bag and you bag was stolen out the back (locked or unlocked) your Comp policy would not cover your loss. You could file a claim under your homeowners or renters policy and the theft would be covered but most of the time it isn’t worth it because of the way those policies are structured but yeah, the car itself, locked or unlocked you comp policy would cover the loss.

Yeah we have comprehensive here too. Basically we have three levels: Third Party - Just the other car. Third Party + Fire/Theft and then Comprehensive which the adds cover your own car in an accident and often gets breakdown and windscreen cover bundled in.

It doesn’t ever extend to that lol!
Yeah we have comprehensive here too. Basically we have three levels: Third Party - Just the other car. Third Party + Fire/Theft and then Comprehensive which the adds cover your own car in an accident and often gets breakdown and windscreen cover bundled in.

It doesn’t ever extend to that lol!
Our main coverages are Liability (which is probably equivalent to your 3rd policy coverage) most states require some form of Liability coverage (though the amounts vary wildly, liability cover any property damage/bodily injury that you are liable for up to the policy limits but doesn’t extend to damage to your own property.

Then there is Collision coverage which is not typically required by law; it covers any damage to the policyholders vehicle caused by a Collision regardless of fault.

Comprehensive coverage covers most loses not covered by collision coverage (Fire/Theft/Vandalism/Hail/windshield damage) strangely enough Comp coverage covers a deer hit which seems like a collision but is deemed “an act of God”. Usually the Comp deductible is less than Collision meaning if you hit the deer you end up paying $100 out of pocket deductible whereas if you swerve to miss the deer and instead hit a tree you may end up paying a $500 deductible and have to cover the cost of the damaged tree.