Equipment Recommendations - The Home For New System and Upgrade Advice

You know, if you could "share" this bonus, it might be worth moving to Toronto.......not like the US is doing me any favors ;)
At this point we need to crowdfund or kickstart or whatever the kids do these days for @Mather since all his stuff is warped to shit. At least get the man some JBLs to get the full effect of the waves!
Looking to upgrade my old af speakers.
I currently own KLH P950S speakers that I got from a vintage audio store.
They're big, boxy, and my wife wants something new and preferably white. 😅
I'm looking for something around $500-$750. Something that will be a slight upgrade but will last me a good time to save up for more expensive. Looking for tower speakers, but okay with smaller but will be strong enough to fill a living room.

Help me, forum. You're my only hope
Limited options for towers with a white finish in that price range. Also probably need to know your amplifier, to ensure it can drive the speakers. But, as a starting point, Wharfedale makes quality speakers, and these check your boxes:
Well that’s a totally different conversation then 😂
I'm not gunna lie,
Looking to upgrade my old af speakers.
I currently own KLH P950S speakers that I got from a vintage audio store.
They're big, boxy, and my wife wants something new and preferably white. 😅
I'm looking for something around $500-$750. Something that will be a slight upgrade but will last me a good time to save up for more expensive. Looking for tower speakers, but okay with smaller but will be strong enough to fill a living room.

Help me, forum. You're my only hope
These are the speakers I run currently and they're great for the price....
Revel Concerta2 F35 (High Gloss White) Floor-standing speaker at Crutchfield

EDIT: ERrrr, wait no... See below...
Time to talk about the Denon 103R MC :)

Cleaned up and wrapped up my notes while listening to music and putting some hours on the Linton's yesterday. 99% of this is based on 30+ hours with the Omens which were completely broken in. Just as a technical side note, on the Manley the Denon is running at a gain of 65 and load of a 159 ohms.
View attachment 85347

The one thing that stuck out right from the get go was how dead silent this cart runs, I'm talking BLACK, BLACK, and it has wonderful tracking. I listened to a variety of things and pressings, Dire Straits for the instrumentation, Norah Jones and Natalie Merchant for their voices and pressings (Acoustic Sounds / MoFi), as well as some OGs. In it's most basic observation the Denon handled everything really well, it performed as expected with "audiophile" pressings and elevated OG pressings from the 70's and 80s, it even brought the notorious highs from the 80's back in check. Imagine Boston's self titled album sounding sublime rather than chringy ;)

Describing the Denon is actually very simple in my opinion, it's been the most organic sounding cart I've used. Instruments, voices, guitar plucks and power cords all have a very natural sound and timbre. The upper end of the bass gets a nice bump as well as the lower end of the midrange, this seems to stand out even more on the Linton's if memory serves.

The imaging does seem a hair narrower, very minor at best, but I did notice it from my listening position. Moving back a bit does start to widen that field and fill the room, so there may be a few things at play here, the Omens might have needed a little tweak with the Denon, but since I'm running the Linton's at the moment I'm going to let those simmer in and then see if I can play with the imaging a bit.

The "downside", and there is only 1 in my opinion and that's the non-replaceable stylus. The formula to debate and discuss this point is going to be different for everyone so I'm going to base these comments on where I see this playing out for me. I've always been a "Bang for your Buck" person, so does the Denon bring enough to the table to dethrone the Opus3 at $100 more ($379 at LP Gear)? Yes, in my opinion the Denon raises the bar on everything across the board enough to justify the cost. This brings us to the cost of wear and tear, what's it going to cost to get this re-tipped? Well, for the Denon I've found it's not such a black and white answer. If you can find a dealer you can get it re-tipped for the cost of the new stylus (I've yet to find this number or dealer), but, Soundsmith does offer re-tipping for non-Soundsmith carts with their styli that starts at $200..........this is an intriguing option, but not without it's drawbacks, the turnaround time.

At the end of the day am I ok with spending about $380 every 12-18 months? I am, the sound quality and reputation of the Denon are well deserved and really have brought the "sound" I've been looking for to my system. I think in the $250-500 price range their are some very solid options to please just about everyone's budget and technical prowess, Being one who wants to "squeeze" everything they can from something and wanting to give an MC cart a go, the Denon seemed inevitable and I'm glad I scratched that itch.

My game plan with the Denon is simple, when the time comes for the stylus I'm going to buy another Denon so I have 2 bodies. When the replacement gets close to its end I'll be sending the Denon to Soundsmith for it's "entry level" replacement and see how that sounds, over time I might go up another rung at Soundsmith if the experiment proves successful, but that's a ways down the line.............and who knows what might pop up in the market ;)

For the time being, the Denon has taken it's place as the "forever" cart based on price and sound. If you're pre-amp can handle it I would highly recommend giving the Denon a go, it really does do an amazing job of cleaning up what you thought sounded great and bringing the entire sound field to another level. to finish burning in those Linton's. ;)
He's back!

Great write up. I briefly looked at the Denon awhile back and it was intriguing. Lots of what I read online came down to "it's great, but retipped, it's awesome". I think there is a reason this cart has been around so long. One day, far into the future when I start looking at upgrades, this will be on the list so long as my table's arm can handle it.
Limited options for towers with a white finish in that price range. Also probably need to know your amplifier, to ensure it can drive the speakers. But, as a starting point, Wharfedale makes quality speakers, and these check your boxes:
I'm currently on a Sherwood RX-4109, eventually to upgrade that as well.
Looking to upgrade my old af speakers.
I currently own KLH P950S speakers that I got from a vintage audio store.
They're big, boxy, and my wife wants something new and preferably white. 😅
I'm looking for something around $500-$750. Something that will be a slight upgrade but will last me a good time to save up for more expensive. Looking for tower speakers, but okay with smaller but will be strong enough to fill a living room.

Help me, forum. You're my only hope

EDIT: Receiver Info Sherwood RX-4109 Specs

Also open to strong bookshelf speakers that have stands
I wouldn't be doing my job if I didn't recommend the Polk LSiM 703s. They're a fantastic speaker with some beautiful room filling sound and the added benefit of placement flexibility. The Cherry finish might win over the white as well ;)


If you do a little poking around I'm sure you could find a great deal on a set.
Looking to upgrade my old af speakers.
I currently own KLH P950S speakers that I got from a vintage audio store.
They're big, boxy, and my wife wants something new and preferably white. 😅
I'm looking for something around $500-$750. Something that will be a slight upgrade but will last me a good time to save up for more expensive. Looking for tower speakers, but okay with smaller but will be strong enough to fill a living room.

Help me, forum. You're my only hope

EDIT: Receiver Info Sherwood RX-4109 Specs

Also open to strong bookshelf speakers that have stands
I have no experience with this model, but maybe take a look at the new Elac Debut Reference speakers? You would still need stands though.

Debut Reference DBR-62 Bookshelf Speakers – Elac
turns out a record weight is one of the best ways to level a turntable (a 45 adapter works too.. any circular object that can roll)

put it on the round side.. release it... and if its still you know its at least mostly level, but for more detail you push it a bit and if it starts to come to a stop then its not level on as that side is too high or the other side is too low...
Chisto Easy Groove Concentrate. A few of us use it. It’s the best I’ve ever used.

**CORRECTION: Shipped from CA./USA I will be ordering some next month.
Last edited:
Who’s got Elac Debut 6.2s here? My buddy just bought a pair and doesn’t know what sort of speaker cable to use. I just told him your standard 16 gauge would probably be fine. I’m assuming using bare wire connected to the post would be fine but I’m not 100% sure. He’s got a basic setup, a new Audio Technica TT, a used newish Onkyo TX-8211 receiver that he got free and now Elac speakers. The speaker cable run isn’t going to be more than 10’ or so.
Time to talk about the Denon 103R MC :)

Cleaned up and wrapped up my notes while listening to music and putting some hours on the Linton's yesterday. 99% of this is based on 30+ hours with the Omens which were completely broken in. Just as a technical side note, on the Manley the Denon is running at a gain of 65 and load of a 159 ohms.
View attachment 85347

The one thing that stuck out right from the get go was how dead silent this cart runs, I'm talking BLACK, BLACK, and it has wonderful tracking. I listened to a variety of things and pressings, Dire Straits for the instrumentation, Norah Jones and Natalie Merchant for their voices and pressings (Acoustic Sounds / MoFi), as well as some OGs. In it's most basic observation the Denon handled everything really well, it performed as expected with "audiophile" pressings and elevated OG pressings from the 70's and 80s, it even brought the notorious highs from the 80's back in check. Imagine Boston's self titled album sounding sublime rather than chringy ;)

Describing the Denon is actually very simple in my opinion, it's been the most organic sounding cart I've used. Instruments, voices, guitar plucks and power cords all have a very natural sound and timbre. The upper end of the bass gets a nice bump as well as the lower end of the midrange, this seems to stand out even more on the Linton's if memory serves.

The imaging does seem a hair narrower, very minor at best, but I did notice it from my listening position. Moving back a bit does start to widen that field and fill the room, so there may be a few things at play here, the Omens might have needed a little tweak with the Denon, but since I'm running the Linton's at the moment I'm going to let those simmer in and then see if I can play with the imaging a bit.

The "downside", and there is only 1 in my opinion and that's the non-replaceable stylus. The formula to debate and discuss this point is going to be different for everyone so I'm going to base these comments on where I see this playing out for me. I've always been a "Bang for your Buck" person, so does the Denon bring enough to the table to dethrone the Opus3 at $100 more ($379 at LP Gear)? Yes, in my opinion the Denon raises the bar on everything across the board enough to justify the cost. This brings us to the cost of wear and tear, what's it going to cost to get this re-tipped? Well, for the Denon I've found it's not such a black and white answer. If you can find a dealer you can get it re-tipped for the cost of the new stylus (I've yet to find this number or dealer), but, Soundsmith does offer re-tipping for non-Soundsmith carts with their styli that starts at $200..........this is an intriguing option, but not without it's drawbacks, the turnaround time.

At the end of the day am I ok with spending about $380 every 12-18 months? I am, the sound quality and reputation of the Denon are well deserved and really have brought the "sound" I've been looking for to my system. I think in the $250-500 price range there are some very solid options to please just about anyone's budget and technical prowess, Being one who wants to "squeeze" everything they can from something and wanting to give an MC cart a go, the Denon seemed inevitable and I'm glad I scratched that itch.

My game plan with the Denon is simple, when the time comes for the stylus I'm going to buy another Denon so I have 2 bodies. When the replacement gets close to its end I'll be sending the Denon to Soundsmith for it's "entry level" replacement and see how that sounds, over time I might go up another rung at Soundsmith if the experiment proves successful, but that's a ways down the line.............and who knows what might pop up in the market ;)

For the time being, the Denon has taken it's place as the "forever" cart based on price and sound. If your pre-amp can handle it I would highly recommend giving the Denon a go, it really does do an amazing job of cleaning up what you thought sounded great and bringing the entire sound field to another level. to finish burning in those Linton's. ;)
Good to see you back! Hope you're feeling well.