New profile posts

Is it bad that while watching 60 Minutes, I see the commercials for river cruises obviously aimed at 60+ year old people and think "actually that looks kinda nice"?
Always enjoyed Cat Power’s “Sun” a lot, but a recent revisit of that record has me borderline obsessed with it. It’s really hitting the spot right now for some reason.
May the fourth be with you.
dont worry.. when the vinyl bubble bursts i already have a backup hobby in plushies
Just finally ordered a grail when it randomly popped up for a somewhat reasonable price in NM condition. Got the shipping notice within an hour. Kontiki is on it's way!
What would you do with more pressing plants?

Came across this today - it's pretty cool. The wind turbines setting are a nice vibe. We already know illmatic with a live band already sounds good thanks to Will Sessions.
