Your Collection - By the numbers 2022

Collection size to date: 953
Purchased YTD: 39
Free Additions YTD: 23
Purged YTD: 11
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +51
Updated: 08/07/2022
A friend was moving out of town and gave me their small stack of a record collection, so we added a few freebee's and 7's, have a few PIFs to post this weekend.

Collection size to date: 969 (CD's 89)
Purchased YTD: 45
Free Additions YTD: 37
Purged YTD: 16
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +66
Updated: 10/1/2022
Actually in the red by 8 this go-around since I traded in 30 records/PIF'd 1, and 'only' accumulated 23. :D

[Posted 08/28/2022 (additions since in parentheses)]
Collection size on 01/02/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,929
Purchased (New): 167 (+20)
Purchased (Used): 145 (+3)
Discovered: 56
Free Additions: 4
Traded/PIF'd: 132 (+31)
Neg Gain/Loss: +238

Collection size on 01/02/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,921
Purchased (New): 187
Purchased (Used): 148
Discovered: 56
Free Additions: 4
Traded: 163
Neg Gain/Loss: +230
Discogs Collection Size:
(8-track tape: 67)
(Cassette: 168)
(CD: 727)
(Flexidisc: 23)
(VINYL 7 inch: 597)
(VINYL 10 inch: 59)
(VINYL 12 inch: 4893)
(VINYL 12 inch no outer sleeve: 18)
(SELLING: 229)
(SOLD: 21)*

Purchased: 7
Freebies: 1
Purged: 84 sold on 2/19/22 (y) Discogs sold 3 LPs, 2 CDs
Store Credit:
Last Updated: 02/22/2022

*Created a new folder/category SOLD so I can track items I sold this year; I realize they are still counted as part of my total collection.
Reordered categories to match Discogs drop-down. Added many items to SELLING from the 7-box purchase. They will not all be added, as many are budget titles that I'll just price from $3-$5 for local sales.

Discogs Collection Size:
(8-track tape: 70)
(Cassette: 191) - need to review this because I sold a bunch that might still be in the database
(CD: 735)
(Flexidisc: 25)
(VINYL 7 inch: 609)
(VINYL 10 inch: 59)
(VINYL 12 inch: 4960)
(VINYL 12 inch no outer sleeve: 19)
(SELLING: 674)
(SOLD: 83)* - probably more than I put into the database, some cheap stuff never gets entered if it's destined for the sale crates

Last Updated: 10/16/2022
Collection Value: Min $61,131.14, Med $128,293.41, Max $293,845.24
Bought 12 new ones this month. Sold 1 and 1 seems to have dropped off randomly 🤷🏻

Joe Mac
Collection: 1118
Added: 133
For Sale: 2
Sold: 43
Net: +90
Updated: 30/09/2022

Joe Mac
Collection: 1130
Added: 147
For Sale: 3
Sold: 44
Net: +102
Updated: 30/10/2022

14 newbies this month. Purged one to the for sale pile and PIF’d a second that was a duplicate.
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A friend was moving out of town and gave me their small stack of a record collection, so we added a few freebee's and 7's, have a few PIFs to post this weekend.

Collection size to date: 969 (CD's 89)
Purchased YTD: 45
Free Additions YTD: 37
Purged YTD: 16
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +66
Updated: 10/1/2022
Biggest jump this year, it was bound to happen, lol

Collection size to date: 978 (CD's 88)
Purchased YTD: 51
Free Additions YTD: 41
Purged YTD: 17
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +75
Updated: 10/31/2022
Biggest jump this year, it was bound to happen, lol

Collection size to date: 978 (CD's 88)
Purchased YTD: 51
Free Additions YTD: 41
Purged YTD: 17
Net Gain/Loss YTD: +75
Updated: 10/31/2022

Collection size to date: 1,341
Purchased: 259
Free Additions: 119
Purged: 96
Net Gain/Loss: +279
Last Updated: 10/30/2022
So where are @avecigrec and @AnthonyI getting all these free additions? That's what I'd like to know! :D
[Posted 10/08/2022 (additions since in parentheses)]
Collection size on 01/02/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,921
Purchased (New): 187 (+8)
Purchased (Used): 148 (+7)
Discovered: 56
Free Additions: 4
Traded: 163
Neg Gain/Loss: +230

Collection size on 01/02/2022: 4,691
Collection size to date: 4,936
Purchased (New): 195
Purchased (Used): 155
Discovered: 56
Free Additions: 4
Traded: 163
Neg Gain/Loss: +245
Lee Newman

Collection: 2089
Added: 0
Removed: 0
Net: 0
Updated 1/8/2022

Collection: 2362
Added: 286
Removed 13
Net: 273
Updated September 27, 2022
ugh, I guess it's time to do this again...

Collection: 2381
Added: 305
Removed 13
Net: 292

I'll take less than one a day!
I'm at 455 in the collection but am pretty certain that there are a couple missing within my Discogs listing. Plus there is a small grip of duplicates from faulty purchases.

I just counted, and I've only added 25 records this year. I started collecting in 2014 and inhereted maybe 50-75 of the records in my collection. I also wasn't buying between 2019-2020 due to being in an apartment with no AC.

So on the whole 25 purchases aren't many by historical standards. But that's what happens when inflation and major label greed make the hobby borderline unaffordable. I've basically stuck to buying records under $25 aka mostly indies with a couple of exceptions.

I did, however, upgrade from a Rega Planar 2 to a Technics 1200.

Oh, and shipped out 1 PIF and haven't claimed any this year. I also broke an OG Courtney Barnett's Sometimes I Think by dropping it after a Guru clean, and can't replace it because it's OOP. Bummer because it's an all-time fav but I'm sure she will repress at some point.
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I'm at 455 in the collection but am pretty certain that there are a couple missing within my Discogs listing. Plus there is a small grip of duplicates from faulty purchases.

I just counted, and I've only added 25 records this year. I started collecting in 2014 and inhereted maybe 50-75 of the records in my collection. I also wasn't buying between 2019-2020 due to being in an apartment with no AC.

So on the whole 25 purchases aren't many by historical standards. But that's what happens when inflation and major label greed make the hobby borderline unaffordable. I've basically stuck to buying records under $25 aka mostly indies with a couple of exceptions.

I did, however, upgrade from a Rega Planar 2 to a Technics 1200.

Oh, and shipped out 1 PIF and haven't claimed any this year. I also broke an OG Courtney Barnett's Sometimes I Think by dropping it after a Guru clean, and can't replace it because it's OOP. Bummer because it's an all-time fav but I'm sure she will repress at some point.
All very reasonable and manageable. Kudos. You're right about that under-$25 mark being a hard one to find, but thankfully we're still seeing sales with 25-40% off current titles, which can be a good way to add to the collection in bursts. Congrats on your upgrade!