Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I don’t even know how to say this to you all, because I’m such an amateur 🙈🙉😂🐣🤷‍♂️

But, this morning when I woke up, I was already in such a good mood because I knew I was finishing work early to have nachos with my friends, and I also just had fun in the JQBX room with the Needles&Grooves squad!

I got to work super happy and chirpy and when I started picking my first order, I just checked my email inbox and I couldn’t believe what I just received! I read the email three times just to make sure what I was reading was legit!

I couldn’t contain my excitement and I was jumping up and down saying “omg, omg, omg, omg, GUYS THIS IS THE BEST DAY EVER” and the guys around me were laughing and just said “Nathan, take a deep breath mate, calm down and then tell us what’s going on”.

I won’t go into too much detail, but I explained to them who VMP are, and how they have been experiencing a big catastrophe with the store migration etc, and because I was supportive, patient, optimistic and sent friendly emails, making sure the staff were OK etc, VMP gave me free membership FOR LIFE.

I couldn’t believe it! Especially because I’m international, it saves me so much! I don’t know how long VMP will be around for, but I am so happy and enlightened and am so grateful for the VMP team giving this to me and I can’t believe it! I am literally going to be with VMP until the day they stop/until I die. I hope they exist in the long-term because I love them and because I also get a free record every month/being an active member for free, forever!

This is the email!

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Glad VMP came through for you.

Pauly's a good dude. Although my orders from November have yet to be shipped, he helped sort out a lot of the other issues I had with VMP. Hope the CS team gets compensated well for all the shit VMP put them through.
Ok fine I'll be that guy...Nathan's a good guy and on one hand I'm glad that he's getting rewarded for that, but on the other I think this is generally bullshit. People want to drag VMP for deleting critical comments posted on their social media...but we're praising them for sending a perpetual free membership to someone for NOT posting negative comments? It's pretty much the same thing in my mind. This isn't a decision based on purchase history, but rather on someone being nice to a company that deserved every bit of the criticism it had coming its way. And a lot of those nice comments even did more harm than good. And this move just further paints VMP as this poor bullied company just trying to do its best despite all the meanies on the internet.

IDK basically that's awesome for you Nathan (and if it had to happen for someone, I'm glad it was you) but this does not sit well with me at all.
Ok fine I'll be that guy...Nathan's a good guy and on one hand I'm glad that he's getting rewarded for that, but on the other I think this is generally bullshit. People want to drag VMP for deleting critical comments posted on their social media...but we're praising them for sending a perpetual free membership to someone for NOT posting negative comments? It's pretty much the same thing in my mind. This isn't a decision based on purchase history, but rather on someone being nice to a company that deserved every bit of the criticism it had coming its way. And a lot of those nice comments even did more harm than good. And this move just further paints VMP as this poor bullied company just trying to do its best despite all the meanies on the internet.

IDK basically that's awesome for you Nathan (and if it had to happen for someone, I'm glad it was you) but this does not sit well with me at all.
Honestly, I'm not quite as bothered as you but I know if something like this ever happened to me I wouldn't be posting about it. I'd just collect my free records with a smile on my face every month...
Ok fine I'll be that guy...Nathan's a good guy and on one hand I'm glad that he's getting rewarded for that, but on the other I think this is generally bullshit. People want to drag VMP for deleting critical comments posted on their social media...but we're praising them for sending a perpetual free membership to someone for NOT posting negative comments? It's pretty much the same thing in my mind. This isn't a decision based on purchase history, but rather on someone being nice to a company that deserved every bit of the criticism it had coming its way. And a lot of those nice comments even did more harm than good. And this move just further paints VMP as this poor bullied company just trying to do its best despite all the meanies on the internet.

IDK basically that's awesome for you Nathan (and if it had to happen for someone, I'm glad it was you) but this does not sit well with me at all.

I don't mind it. I honestly couldn't think of anything fair to request if VMP asks me what compensation they could offer for all the issues I had the last 2 months.
Honestly, I'm not quite as bothered as you but I know if something like this ever happened to me I wouldn't be posting about it. I'd just collect my free records with a smile on my face every month...

I mean, I would never expect Nathan to be quiet on anything VMP related. He's the unofficial VMP hype guy.

As annoyed as I was for all the issues, Im not annoyed he got a free sub. It wasnt just for being positive, he was waiting long and patiently to use his pile of credits to renew and even sucked it up and renewed again with a smile on his face while waiting. Definitely earned

And from VMPs perspective, this guarantees he stays a members and continues to buy a huge amount exclusives from them as well as being a loud voice of pro-VMP hype on the message board. Makes strategic sense for sure.

Awesome for Nathan and good for VMP.
Awwwww, thanks so much Dead C! That’s honestly too nice of you to say that! 😘

Yeah, I’ve got around $300 in credit! So that’ll be going just to store exclusives now and none towards a subscription. I did go ahead and renewed my membership for 3 months and paid $108! I didn’t want to miss out on N*E*R*D and Dirty Projectors and was honestly OK with just paying for it. I just had a feeling VMP wasn’t going to get back to me in time and I didn’t want to email them again in case I go back down the line 😂🤷‍♂️

So your membership was lapsing? I still's shitty that you even had to worry about that.

I do have mixed feelings about the whole thing, though, because I'm skeptical by nature. I'm happy that they're hooking you up. That's the great news, because it was pissing me off and, in the end, I didn't want you to come out getting screwed or feeling like a chump for simply being a positive person. I don't like seeing the good nature of good people getting exploited and I think you know that's where my criticisms about your situation were coming from the entire time.

On the other hand, I feel like it's more than your comments through CS emails, because we've been ghosted on some very serious and heavy topics and concerns sent through the same channels. You being a cheerleader for them isn't just an appreciation, but a tactical move knowing that the world would find out about this on some level. Those claiming they monitor this thread have to be right.

It's also somewhat poorly thought out by them, as usual, since there are bound to be people who got fucked a lot worse without any resolution who this could rub the wrong way.

As for you getting this, I feel like it's deserved. I wanted to see this pay off for you in the end and was worried that it would blow up in your face. I wonder who signed off on it, but I'm really excited for you.

As for VMP... (if you're reading this) Nathan deserves it. Thanks for making that right

But... unless everyone is getting lifetime memberships, you're not really off the hook. Bring back one months, fix the swaps situation, and get your shit together.
Very happy for you @NathanRicaud , deserved, and like many have said, I think our concern was you getting the shaft, lol.

That being said, this is a dangerous game VMP is playing because this is without a doubt a double edged sword. Again, happy as all get out for Nathan, but If I'm one of the many with even the smallest of issues, I'd be irritated.....I can only imagine how the people who've been holding out for what seems like forever feel.