Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

What comment was it? You sure it got deleted? 🤔
Yes, it's the one in the quote he replied to. If you click the arrow next to the word "said:" it will bring you to it. Apparently it was "abusive, overly aggressive, threatening, or to "troll". " but in no way shape or form is that what it is. At all. I mean if it was than the comment I was replying to should have been deleted as well.
Yes, it's the one in the quote he replied to. If you click the arrow next to the word "said:" it will bring you to it. Apparently it was "abusive, overly aggressive, threatening, or to "troll". " but in no way shape or form is that what it is. At all. I mean if it was than the comment I was replying to should have been deleted as well.
I read the comment and I can see how someone can see it as being ‘aggressive’. But it’s so hard because no one knows what you sound like in real life, you know what I mean? Like your tone and tempo. I’ve said things in the past that have been deleted as well and have still recently gotten warnings, but I understand why afterwards when I read back at what I’ve said.
I read the comment and I can see how someone can see it as being ‘aggressive’. But it’s so hard because no one knows what you sound like in real life, you know what I mean? Like your tone and tempo. I’ve said things in the past that have been deleted as well and have still recently gotten warnings, but I understand why afterwards when I read back at what I’ve said.
I mean I could see if you didn't read the comment I was replying to, however the comment I was replying to was much more aggressive and "troll like" yet it still remains. The only aggressive word in there, was what the person I was replying to said. Doesn't really seem to be a fair judgment there at all. I mean, he literally called VMP an "idiot store" meaning people that buy from it are idiots, no?
Have skimmed through the last 20 pages like Bill Murray living it up in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania and the one thing that seemed out of the ordinary from this ongoing shit show was @Joe Mac 's dilemma. Didn't you bail on this kids vinyl club ages ago?

What made you go back? I'm asking for a friend ;)
Come back and join the fun! Dirty Projectors Bitte Orca is going to be the Essentials January ROTM, and we just had Aretha Franklin’s Magnum Opus as this month’s Essentials ROTM!
I mean I could see if you didn't read the comment I was replying to, however the comment I was replying to was much more aggressive and "troll like" yet it still remains. The only aggressive word in there, was what the person I was replying to said. Doesn't really seem to be a fair judgment there at all. I mean, he literally called VMP an "idiot store" meaning people that buy from it are idiots, no?

I can’t speak for them, but I’d take “idiot store” to mean, a place run by.

Someone has to report a post. If you think one is offensive and should be removed, then please click the report button on the individual posts. Then our excellent mod team will be alerted to take a look.
I mean I could see if you didn't read the comment I was replying to, however the comment I was replying to was much more aggressive and "troll like" yet it still remains. The only aggressive word in there, was what the person I was replying to said. Doesn't really seem to be a fair judgment there at all. I mean, he literally called VMP an "idiot store" meaning people that buy from it are idiots, no?
I think what you don’t realize, I assume because you came here from Reddit, is that no one here would call all VMP customers idiots or any other group of people which some members might be a part of. We might disagree with each other from time to time but we do it with a certain level of respect. Some of the things you say come across as typical internet troll bullshit. I get that that’s how the internet is, but that isn’t how things work here. Feel free to hang out, but if you’d like to fit in and potentially gain something meaningful instead of sticking out like a sore thumb, you might want to work on that bedside manner.
I think what you don’t realize, I assume because you came here from Reddit, is that no one here would call all VMP customers idiots or any other group of people which some members might be a part of. We might disagree with each other from time to time but we do it with a certain level of respect. Some of the things you say come across as typical internet troll bullshit. I get that that’s how the internet is, but that isn’t how things work here. Feel free to hang out, but if you’d like to fit in and potentially gain something meaningful instead of sticking out like a sore thumb, you might want to work on that bedside manner.
Soooo his comment that I replied to was respectful? Don't follow there at all.
Soooo his comment that I replied to was respectful? Don't follow there at all.
I took the initial comment as a reaction to all of the nonsense that VMP customers have been put through and an idea on how we can avoid that and still get the music that we want on vinyl. Not a diss to anyone other than VMP. It’s not fans vs. haters here. We are all in the same boat. We were all fans once.
I took the initial comment as a reaction to all of the nonsense that VMP customers have been put through and an idea on how we can avoid that and still get the music that we want on vinyl. Not a diss to anyone other than VMP. It’s not fans vs. haters here. We are all in the same boat. We were all fans once.
I'm still very much a fan, and still very much owed records. Maybe that's the problem? I'm not like the rest of you and hate VMP for some shipping delays? I just don't get it, his comment was more aggressive than my non-aggressive comment yet it was directed at VMP instead of asking him a question.
Here's a hot idea: since every single fucking release by VMP quickly goes wider release, in a different color or plain black, with the same mastering and plates, can we make a thread where we just post VMP alternative variants for everything they release in their idiot store?
Soooo his comment that I replied to was respectful? Don't follow there at all.

Hey @chemman14

Tomato here is saying: let’s make a running list of where people can pick up these records instead of having to deal with idiot VMP.

Tomato isn’t attacking any person or calling anyone who buys from VMP an idiot. So I don’t think that their post is disrespectful to anyone in here at all. We also try to keep folks from attacking individuals at VMP, but the faceless company is fine to direct anger and vitriol at.

That’s what I see in Tomato’s post. I could be wrong, but that’s my read.
Hey @chemman14

Tomato here is saying: let’s make a running list of where people can pick up these records instead of having to deal with idiot VMP.

Tomato isn’t attacking any person or calling anyone who buys from VMP an idiot. So I don’t think that their post is disrespectful to anyone in here at all. We also try to keep folks from attacking individuals at VMP, but the faceless company is fine to direct anger and vitriol at.

That’s what I see in Tomato’s post. I could be wrong, but that’s my read.
Right, and I wasn't attacking anyone either. I was just asking him where I could get that Doggystyle record that he claims should be pressed on black vinyl from a non-vmp store (I'm legit curious, I want it but would rather not pay a Discogs flipper) I 100% don't understand how that is aggressive if his comment is not.
I'm still very much a fan, and still very much owed records. Maybe that's the problem? I'm not like the rest of you and hate VMP for some shipping delays? I just don't get it, his comment was more aggressive than my non-aggressive comment yet it was directed at VMP instead of asking him a question.

DM one of the mods if you feel like you’d like to discuss it in more detail with someone who maybe made that decision.