Vinyl Me Please Essentials

I just pulled the plug on VMP. Should have done it a long time ago. Been with them since the beginning but the yearly fees just don't match the a) quality of the pressings, b) the selections they choose on average, and c) i get the feeling that maximizing profit is more to them than actually having a cohesive bond with those that have stuck around from the start. im glad it got me to this forum after their vmp forum bs - which they still haven't addressed or made any attempt to fix. of all the subscriptions i have, vmp is definitely feeling more and more like the corporate vibe for moolah with how they expand and seem to be headed. wishing you all lovely folks here the best. ill miss some dope upcoming releases for sure - but for 440 bucks a year im sure that money could e put to better use buying some nice grails for my collection than some of the crap they do push.
I’m happy that another R&B album is being pressed but I’m hoping it’s not one I have already. If they can say which kind of group is featured on the album they are referring to, I may be able to take an educated guess lol.
I just pulled the plug on VMP. Should have done it a long time ago. Been with them since the beginning but the yearly fees just don't match the a) quality of the pressings, b) the selections they choose on average, and c) i get the feeling that maximizing profit is more to them than actually having a cohesive bond with those that have stuck around from the start. im glad it got me to this forum after their vmp forum bs - which they still haven't addressed or made any attempt to fix. of all the subscriptions i have, vmp is definitely feeling more and more like the corporate vibe for moolah with how they expand and seem to be headed. wishing you all lovely folks here the best. ill miss some dope upcoming releases for sure - but for 440 bucks a year im sure that money could e put to better use buying some nice grails for my collection than some of the crap they do push.
The ultimate destiny for any business in this debt based economy is to become a bank. I wonder how much longer before VMP a start offering financed membership.
The ultimate destiny for any business in this debt based economy is to become a bank. I wonder how much longer before VMP a start offering financed membership.
Don’t they offer after pay (or whatever it’s called) for the anthology box sets?