Vinyl Me Please Essentials

My Membership page is... blank? As in, I can see greyed-out boxes where my membership selections should be, but I cannot see what those selections are...

Anyone else getting this?

Membership page blank as well! Got charged for 1 of 2 add-ons and that is the only thing showing up in my orders!

On a different note I placed an order with my local a week ago, got an email today and picked it up, no tax and they threw in a pack of 100 plastic sleeves... Why am I a member of this "club" again?
Im still waiting on July. 13 days wait (and count8ng) for a reply to my email. I won’t return again after these 3 months. Final nail in the coffin !

Thought I’d share the response I got after 2 weeks of waiting....

Hey there,
Sorry for the late reply!
Not really sure why your July title didn't ship out, but all your pending orders appear to be shipping with your August shipment.
Once that goes out, you will receive a tracking email as well.
Does that clear things up?
Let me know if you have any other questions, or if you need anything else. All the best!

so I think I’m getting everything soon ? Although I’d not bet against me getting August’s vinyl without July included.
Thought I’d share the response I got after 2 weeks of waiting....

Hey there,
Sorry for the late reply!
Not really sure why your July title didn't ship out, but all your pending orders appear to be shipping with your August shipment.
Once that goes out, you will receive a tracking email as well.
Does that clear things up?
Let me know if you have any other questions, or if you need anything else. All the best!

so I think I’m getting everything soon ? Although I’d not bet against me getting August’s vinyl without July included.

I got the following:

I got an update that your order will be shipping out this month. It experienced a delay because of a warehouse software issue. I sincerely apologize for the wait. We'll be sure to send over your tracking information as soon as that ships.

I'm not really happy with that answer but what did I expect? I'm crazy to think a company that's a record of the month club would actually send a record out in the correct month! This is the worst $1 I've spent in a long time!!
A 3-month sub is gonna run $119 (up from $87) and add-ons are increasing to $33. Too rich for my blood. I can't justify a monthly record at $40. That's like, around (or more) than what I'd pay for top-tier new MoFi.
Yup, I saw the same thing (except my 3-month was $81). The other thing I noticed was last month I was charged sales-tax. First time for that, and I'm not complaining too much about it, but there was no warning to me about it, and now a 50% price hike? I've got one month after Ladies and Gentlemen.... so I'll likely be taking my vinyl money elsewhere. I would've probably been okay with like a $5-$15 increase for the 3 month, but I can't justify spending $40 a month for 1 record. Which is too bad, because overall I've had a positive experience with VMP (I know others haven't, but I can only attest to mine). It was fun while it lasted.
I agree that a small increase makes sense, but such a significant one, coming on the heels of a bit of controversy and two months in a row of COVID-related shipping delays (granted, not necessarily their fault), is just terrible business. My 6-mo renewal was slated for December, so I cancelled. Maybe they'll come to their senses and change things after they see the reaction.

Especially for 2LP releases, $25 was a bargain - so long as you were getting something you would enjoy - but at $40, I would rather be in total control of what I'm getting, not hoping to find something in swaps.