Vinyl Me, D - A Free Record Club

Taking er’ for a final listen tomorrow and then will rest it for a few weeks as to not over play it!

This LP demands and deserves total investment from the listener. It's not a record you put on as background music while you do other things. There's so much there, and each listen reveals a new layer. It's one of those records that deserves a beginning to end listen. Like a great film, you don't watch a bit and turn it off. You go all in. Every time, And this record, while it requires a commitment from the listener, delivers so much in return. And so much to seriously contemplate.

@Djxfactor511 wrote how this LP left him somewhat drained and with a feeling of foreboding. That's a spot-on assessment of Black Ribbons. It's a very real observation and a warning. What more could you ask of music? If you listen to a record and end up feeling engaged, moved, invested, emotional, reactive- that's the experience I feel most folks are truly seeking out. There's plenty of forgettable garbage out there. Give me something of substance that makes me think and engages me to make a change.

Although he got kicked off the air over a decade ago, Will O' The Wisp is still spot-on...

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This LP demands and deserves total investment from the listener. It's not a record you put on as background music while you do other things. There's so much there, and each listen reveals a new layer. It's one of those records that deserves a beginning to end listen. Like a great film, you don't watch a bit and turn it off. You go all in. Every time, And this record, while it requires a commitment from the listener, delivers so much in return. And so much to seriously contemplate.

@Djxfactor511 wrote how this LP left him somewhat drained and with a feeling of foreboding. That's a spot-on assessment of Black Ribbons. It's a very real observation and a warning. What more could you ask of music? If you listen to a record and end up feeling engaged, moved, invested, emotional, reactive- that's the experience I feel most folks are truly searching for. There's plenty of forgettable garbage out there. Give me something of substance that makes me think and engages me to make a change.

Although he got kicked off the air over a decade ago, Will O' The Wisp is still spot-on...

Fully agreed! It takes a lot of active listening to digest an album like this. I actually had to stop it several times on my flight out to Minnesota because there were things distracting the listening experience.
There are 11 more months of records left.

I'm not even 30 days into this thing and I already have 14 future records secured.

Did I mention I have an addictive personality? When I get into something, I really get into something.
I think we all (or at least a significant portion of us) are in the same boat.
Also, if you like Country, and even if you don't (see Countach), Shooter's entire discography is worth checking out. He is also one hell of a producer... as evidenced by work with Brandi Carlile, American Aquarium, Jamie Wyatt....
Also, if you like Country, and even if you don't (see Countach), Shooter's entire discography is worth checking out. He is also one hell of a producer... as evidenced by work with Brandi Carlile, American Aquarium, Jamie Wyatt....
What album of his would be considered the most “outlaw country” style?
What album of his would be considered the most “outlaw country” style?
Probably Put the O Back in Country. Pretty much anytime he gets edgy and keeps it Country he gets saddled with outlaw, but that first album is the only one that feels like Outlaw to me. Family Man and The Other Life are straight up Country. I think Family Man might be my favorite album by him.

Somewhere Outlaw lost some of its meaning. When I turn Sirius to the Outlaw station, more often than not they are playing Southern Rock which isn't really the same thing. I can see how they got there though. Part of the marketing of Outlaw really had to do with Waylon being edgier than the rest of popular Country Music at the time.
Nightmare Before Christmas OST?
That was my immediate thought too!

Going to be interesting, for me the best November album is The Band's Northern Lights Southern Cross.

I do a Last Waltz tribute the night before Thanksgiving every year and it is just not Thanksgiving anymore without hearing "Acadian Driftwood."
What - no guesses?

Let's have some fun and open this up to everyone who's not a VMD subscriber - the first 3 folks to correctly identify the Leon Russell connection to this specific record - the one I'm thinking of because there's 7 degrees of everybody - will go into a hat and I'll send the winner a free record of some sorts.

Fire away.

Y'all probably thought I forgot about this.

Well, I kinda did. But early onset dementia has it's ebbs and flows and now we're back.

Had three folks take a stab and they're all going into the hat -


The correct answer - or at least the one I was thinking - was indeed the Leon Russell / Will O' The Wisp connection.

Let's spin.

To make for a more interesting wheel, I've given each of you 5 entries...


And ye olde winner is...


Shoot me your coordinates and I'll send you a record of some sorts. If you have a Discogs list and would like to pass it along to insure I send you an LP you don't have, feel free.
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Based on the winners, I can take this record off the list as I know they all own it already.

Everyone else needs to buy it though. Link to a cheap copy direct from Bob Kidney...

BTW - They're doing an in-studio session at my (and their) local radio station later this month. I'll be sure to post the vids once they're up. Or, if anyone's in the area (Akron, OH), I get a +1.

Excited to get my record signed! Met Bob Kidney's wife last time I saw them, but never got the chance to say hi to the man himself.