The Colemine Records rabbit hole

I'm still waiting for my Black Pumas, because I ordered it with the Tone Poet Cornbread that was delayed and they don't ship partial orders. These pics are making me nervous... fingers crossed that copy sitting on the shelf with my name on it is one of the good ones, hah...
My replacement was great...
Good to hear, was it the red black colemine split or the splatter variant?

I contacted them last Friday for a third replacement, but haven't heard back yet. I'm sure they're swamped given that the records arrived late to begin with plus the quality problems. I'll give it a couple more days before following up, but good to know there are some good copies out there.
Good to hear, was it the red black colemine split or the splatter variant?

I contacted them last Friday for a third replacement, but haven't heard back yet. I'm sure they're swamped given that the records arrived late to begin with plus the quality problems. I'll give it a couple more days before following up, but good to know there are some good copies out there.
Colemine split. They have my business 100%
So Pitchfork finally got around to reviewing Black Pumas:

Overall not bad, even if I don’t like the last paragraph (coincidently, my wife says they are “chill” music, which I don’t get at all, I want to shake my booty to the majority of the album, but I digress....). It lead me to seeking out Quesada’s other band... well this is
different... after the initial shock, I dig it but was wholly unprepared:

Have you tried Brownout and Ocote Soul Sounds? Adrian Quesada contributed to both of those projects as well.
What was your guys response time for a replacement? I think VMP gave me a complex because I’m starting to worry.

I only emailed them yesterday so I’m thinking it’s just the holiday
What was your guys response time for a replacement? I think VMP gave me a complex because I’m starting to worry.

I only emailed them yesterday so I’m thinking it’s just the holiday
Yeah, my response was super quick. I’m sure they’ll get back with you shortly.
Black Pumas tickets booked for November. Shat it a wee bit as their website says the Glasgow gig is sold out, but I managed to get tickets from my local tickets shop. Will probably hold off and get the album at the gig.
Well my Pumas & Cornbread order is on the way now - looking forward to both.

And yeah, I gotta echo everyone else and say that doing business with Colemine has been nothing but a pleasure thus far. They are on the ball!