The April 2023 Record Spin Challenge: "Want to go around again? I do."

April 28 - We're getting older now. Play an album about growing old, or by a very old musician.

Everything But The Girl "Fuse" (2023 Buzzin Fly Records)
I don't know what's considered "very" old, but compared to her peers Tracy is up there in years and still has the chops to rival any of them. She turned 60 with this release and sounds as fresh as ever. The records opens with my most listened track of 2023 so far - Nothing Left To Lose - such a banger. Familiar, yet new and just like they never left.

April 26 - Getting married. Play an album that you'd want to play at your wedding if you ever get married or if you were to go back and get married all over again.

Charles Mingus – Mingus Ah Um

Common law here, and content to stay that way, but if we did ever have a wedding "Better Git It In Your Soul" would likely be our aisle song.
Day: 29: April 29 - Happy Death Day! Play an album about death or one that is about the future.

Brian Eno - Another Green World
I went a slightly different route. I chose an album (but more specifically a song) that, if given the opportunity; I would hope was playing as I left this mortal coil. It’s probably a bit cliche at this point but “The Big Ship” seems like the perfect soundtrack for my “life flashed before my eyes” moment.
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April 28 - We're getting older now. Play an album about growing old, or by a very old musician.

This one is both.

Dr. John - Things Happen That Way

Dr. John died at 77 while recording this album, which features a cover of the Willie Nelson song Funny How Time Slips Away.
This album is still one of my favorites that came out last year. It's a touching listen.
April 29 - Happy Death Day! Play an album about death or one that is about the future.

Cheating here a bit, but I'm going to justify it as being about the future. Today is my husband's and my wedding anniversary. Slow Show is one of our fave tracks on this album, and to this day is one of my fave songs by The Nats. Who knew that it would one day play a part in a future anniversary celebration!

5 years ago today, we were in Cincinnati at Homecoming Fest, and saw The Nats perform this album in entirety, front to back. Unfortunately, they did not release that show on vinyl, but this Brussels show is an acceptable substitution. When we were at Smale Park in 2018, on the rail, watching them, and it came time for Slow Show, people around us that we'd talked to all day started high fiving us when we reached this point in the song:

You know I dreamed about you
For twenty-nine years before I saw you
You know I dreamed about you
I missed you for, for twenty-nine years

It was a special way to celebrate our 29th anniversary. (We spent our 28th anniversary seeing Pearl Jam perform Ten in entirety in Philadelphia!)

Today marks 34 years (we did celebrate 33 1/3 last August 😄) and the weather sucks, but we are toasting with Prosecco and spinning records. Not a bad way to spend the day.....

April 29 - Happy Death Day! Play an album about death or one that is about the future.

Cheating here a bit, but I'm going to justify it as being about the future. Today is my husband's and my wedding anniversary. Slow Show is one of our fave tracks on this album, and to this day is one of my fave songs by The Nats. Who knew that it would one day play a part in a future anniversary celebration!

5 years ago today, we were in Cincinnati at Homecoming Fest, and saw The Nats perform this album in entirety, front to back. Unfortunately, they did not release that show on vinyl, but this Brussels show is an acceptable substitution. When we were at Smale Park in 2018, on the rail, watching them, and it came time for Slow Show, people around us that we'd talked to all day started high fiving us when we reached this point in the song:

You know I dreamed about you
For twenty-nine years before I saw you
You know I dreamed about you
I missed you for, for twenty-nine years

It was a special way to celebrate our 29th anniversary. (We spent our 28th anniversary seeing Pearl Jam perform Ten in entirety in Philadelphia!)

Today marks 34 years (we did celebrate 33 1/3 last August 😄) and the weather sucks, but we are toasting with Prosecco and spinning records. Not a bad way to spend the day.....

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Happy anniversary! 🎉🎉🎉
April 28 - We're getting older now. Play an album about growing old, or by a very old musician
Lyrics Born "Balcony Beach" - This track always hit me, has that grown up feel to it and deals with heavy issues, thoughts about the future and the present, trying to understand yourself and everything around you, real grown up shit! Always puts me in a reflective mood. He also sounds a little like an old man!
April 12 - First Loves. Play an album that you would want to be playing in the background if you could fall in love (even if unreciprocated) for the first time as a teenager all over again.

April 13 - First Heartbreak. Play an album that you would give to your heartbroken teenaged self after getting dumped/rejected.

"Kiss on my list" for day 12 and "You've lost that lovin' feeling for day 13

The Very Best of Daryl Hall and John Oates

April 29 - Happy Death Day! Play an album about death or one that is about the future.

When the time comes, I'm definitely getting cremated and spread around. Don't waste me in the ground.

She says, "Wake up, it's no use pretending"
I'll keep stealing, breathing her
Birds are leaving over autumn's ending
One of us will die inside these arms
Eyes wide open, naked as we came
One will spread our ashes around the yard

She says, "If I leave before you, darling
Don't you waste me in the ground"
I lay smiling like our sleeping children
One of us will die inside these arms
Eyes wide open, naked as we came
One will spread our ashes around the yard

Iron & Wine ~ Our Endless Numbered Days

April 27 - Midlife Crisis. Play an album by a musician who never grew up.

The Presidents Of The United States Of America - The Presidents Of The United States Of America


I used to watch these guys play at local parks before they made it big with “Lump.” Chris Ballew ended up becoming a successful children’s music artist, with the music content not too far off from this album. Eventually I took my kids to see him for their first concert at a local park
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