
Finished the Game of Thrones re-watch last night.
I'm satisfied with the ending this time through. I don't recall being in the 'hated it' camp back when it came out, but this time I was much less concerned about how they ended it, if that makes sense.
I guess I'll go spoiler tag just in case....

Drogon frying the Iron Throne was fantastic, and very satisfying this time. Like, 'all this shit for THAT fucking thing?'
And, Dany saw the destroyed throne room, or something very similar, in the House of the Undying. Not sure I caught that last time.

I'm on episode nine of the first season, Baelor, and already bummed about what's going to happen.

The last couple seasons are definitely polarizing, but I don't get people who say the whole series is ruined. I liked them well enough the first go around and don't see that changing.
We quite enjoyed the Stranger Thing Finale episodes last night. So many things overdone just like the real 80's! :p

Long Live Eddie in infamy shredding to the mutant bats, that was wicked!
My non spoiler opinion of S4 parts 1 and 2 - I really enjoyed it overall but my goodness was it way too long! They easily could have made every episode in part 1 under an hour and part 2 could/should have been two 90 minute episodes. Still - fantastic season with amazing music and I love seeing the kids get older.
My non spoiler opinion of S4 parts 1 and 2 - I really enjoyed it overall but my goodness was it way too long! They easily could have made every episode in part 1 under an hour and part 2 could/should have been two 90 minute episodes. Still - fantastic season with amazing music and I love seeing the kids get older.
Anyone caught a release date for the S04 Dixon/Stein original soundtrack btw ?
My non spoiler opinion of S4 parts 1 and 2 - I really enjoyed it overall but my goodness was it way too long! They easily could have made every episode in part 1 under an hour and part 2 could/should have been two 90 minute episodes. Still - fantastic season with amazing music and I love seeing the kids get older.
My feelings exactly. It was like they felt EVERY character from seasons 1-3 needed a story arc and that each arc needed equal representation and screen time. Still really enjoyed part 1, but I need to spread part 2 over the week since it is over 4hrs
Westworld is back? I thought this series ended a few years back.

Guess I'm going to have to checkout the new episodes.
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In addition to this, select HBO originals were removed from HBO MAX.

HBO original, Vinyl was one of the victims of original content being pulled from HBO MAX
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In addition to this, select HBO originals were removed from HBO MAX.

HBO original, Vinyl was one of the victims of original content being pulled from HBO MAX
Yeah, I saw this. Sounds like they are selling off thing to rein in costs. I wonder if the expensive music rights made Vinyl a casualty. I don’t think it will be missed by many.
anyone watch Station Eleven? Really fantastic adaptation.
I started it right after I finished the book, which was probably too soon. I watched two or maybe three episodes and was kind of bored with it, even though I really liked the book. I'll give it another whirl soon.
my only criticism was that the final season felt a bit rushed ..needed a few more episodes imo
Personally I think it’s one of the greatest tv shows ever
I agree with both points...I was trying to remember how shocked I was in certain events the first time I viewed it. (once the show was beyond the books)
Littlefinger's quick trial and death. So awesome, and a holy shit moment.
I liked them well enough the first go around and don't see that changing.
I enjoyed the re-watch quite a bit. Most times when I couldn't remember what happened to a certain character, in the moments before it would come back to me. Like, ohhh yeah...THAT'S how that went.